
A Teacher And A Student

When Wade woke up, he checked his phone to see if Lydia texted him, he knew that it would take time before she was ready to talk, but he was getting anxious. Wade got out of bed, then walked into the bathroom to see someone that wasn't him. Wade concluded who this person was. Nasir.

Nasir had black and red skin, surprisingly nice teeth, two long thick horns that curved and pointed away from his face. In all honesty, Nasir didn't look as bad as Wade thought he would be. Wade thought Nasir was this big red, fat demon, horns pointing to the sky, and long large canines.

"Not bad," Wade said nodding his head while looking at Nasir.

"Damn it, that was supposed to scare you, anyone normal person would shit themselves if they saw me first thing in the morning,"

"You of all people should know that I am not normal," Wade said grabbing his toothbrush and toothpaste.

"Yeah, well, your heart should have at least skipped a beat when seeing me," Nasir said removing his image from the mirror.

"By the way, will I get those horns too?" Wade asked with a mouthful of toothpaste thinking about how he would look with horns.

"Yes, but these horns possess a very special and powerful power,"

"What power do they possess, and when will I get them?" Wade said almost inaudible due to the amount of toothpaste in his mouth.

"They have the power to make anyone tell you there deepest desire, and you already have them there just in your head, The more you evolve the bigger they will become,"

"So can everyone see them? It would be very difficult explaining why I have horns coming out of my head," Wade said stepping out of the bathroom and putting on some clothes to go to school.

"When you evolve, to the point where the horns are fully grown, you will be able to make them appear out of your head and use its power,"

"That sounds nice," Wade said walking out of his house walking to school.

While Wade was walking to school, he noticed that there were no supernaturals near him. He was going through theories about why he saw no supernaturals. But Wade sensed someone was watching him so he looked around, but saw no one.

"Yo, Wade, what's up," Max said walking up to the lost in thought Wade.

"What's up Max, Look I need to tell you something," Wade said looking Max in his eyes wondering how he was going to tell Max about what happened last night.

Wade ended up telling Max everything that happened that night. Max who happy that Wade saved his crush, but scared that she might fall for him. Most of all, he was jealous that Wade would have to bite her to awaken her powers if she wanted to. And, he was almost too excited to let Lydia on board, but she could be useful in the future.

When they walked into school, Wade, most of all, was getting stares of envy because he was with Max and they weren't. When he walked into class, he felt like someone was watching him, and not one of the students, like someone was watching his every move.

He looked around to see that his teacher averted her gaze when he looked up, that proved that someone was watching him, and it was his teacher. Wade used his 'Wild Sense' to check if she were human or not, and the aura around her was white. So, Wade summed it up to be she was watching him due to his perfect score on his test yesterday. What completely threw him off is what she said.

"Wade, see me after class today," She announced to the whole class which earned him stares from the whole class.

Wade nodded his head and thought of any possible reason as to why she would want to see him after class. In a blink of an eye, the class ended and it was boring, as usual, teaching Wade things he already knew. Everyone including Max left and left him alone with his teacher.

His teacher had blonde hair, emerald green eyes, clear pale skin, and a slightly above average figure when it came to attraction. If Wade was normal, he would have thought the same thing any normal boy in high school would if their teacher asked them to say after class, but Wade had to be cautious of everyone he didn't know because they could become a threat.

"Now, Wade, I have to ask you, how did you get a perfect score on your test if you didn't study? Did you cheat?" His teacher asked walking slowly toward where Wade was sitting. Wade made sure to pack his things just in case something happened.

"No, I already knew the answers, now, if this was all you called me for I'll be leaving," Wade said grabbing his bag and standing up.

"Now, hold on, I'm not done talking to you," His teacher said sitting across the table from him.

"If you passed the test without study, that means you are smart, right? And, I need someone smart to help me," He said standing up and putting her face close to Wade's. Wade got the feeling that he should back up and he did, he didn't want his teacher to say he touched her and then blackmailed him into doing what she wants. So, he pulled out his phone and started recording without her knowing.

"Aren't you a little close? And, what do you mean you need someone to help you? Ask another student," Wade said getting up and going to walk out the door. But before he could, his teacher grabbed his arm and licked her lips seductively. Only someone blind couldn't see where this was going.

"Leaving so soon?" She said as she blew this black powder from her mouth which Wade inhaled. He was caught off guard, he didn't expect her to do something like this.

[Maniplulation Spell Detected]

[Dispelled effects]

'So this was her plan? I guess I'll follow along,' Wade thought in his head as he relaxed and put his phone in view to record everything that she was doing.

"Now, that I have your undivided attention, I want you to help me, but that may not convince you, maybe this would," She said as she kissed Wade and started pouring this bitter-tasting liquid into his mouth. He didn't move or react because he was getting everything he needed.

"You have some surprisingly soft lips, I will have fun playing with you," She said as she started to rip her clothing and lay on the desk. Wade was so glad he started recording, because, without this evidence, he would be screwed.

[GHB found in the system]


'Nasir, without you, I don't know what I would have done, thank you,' Wade said praising and thanking Nasir.

"Aww, come on, you don't need to thank me, that woman is dirty and will do anything to get what she wants, I hate people like that" Nasir said in a disgusted tone.

"Now, come over here and do me," His teacher said with a smile. In his hand, he was still recording everything that happened, so he walked over there and placed his hands on her forearms but didn't do anything else because she let out a scream.

"SOMEONE HELP, THIS STUDENT IS TRYING TO RAPE ME, HELP," His teacher put on the waterworks and smirked at Wade who only smirked back which caught her off guard.

In an instant, someone came into the room and pushed Wade off the teacher, then went to help the teacher. In this situation, the way it looked did look like he tried to sexually assault her, but Wade was smarter than that.

"Thank you, he just lost his mind any starting attack me," Wade's teacher said trying to sound like the victim.

"You're going to jail for a long time, people like you make me sick," The officer said as he grabbed his cuffs. Only for Wade to back away and pull out his phone and wink at his teacher.

"You see, I felt something was off as soon as she asked me to stay after class, and when I tell you it got weird, it got weird," Wade said playing back the video and showing the teacher and officer who came to help. The expression his teacher was wearing almost made him burst into laughter but he had to hold it in.

Once the video was over, everyone who was in the room saw his teacher kiss him as she put some type of drug in his system to make him act like that. Without that video, his entire life would have been over in an instant.

The teacher tried to run, but the officer caught up to her and put her in handcuffs. Wade was escorted to the infirmary to be looked at after that strange powder and liquid entered his system.

"Bye, bye, Ms. Moore" Wade said with a smile as he waved to the handcuffed woman who was about to ruin someone's life.

For now uploading in a while, today there will be three to four chapters. I promise all of them will be out today.

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