
A Pudding for You and Me

*Kyuu-san's POV*

The rest of the training and dojo work went smoothly after Mokuren left. Klara-san kept prodding me for the "juicy" bits when I was alone with her. I told her off and it was classified.

Walking home with the black case in hand, I thought of how to tell my mom of this... and the brat. I think'll be best for the pipsqueak to not know that one of histories greatest clans is after her.

Speaking of the brat... I wonder what she has been up to today? Probably nothing good... what name did mom give her again? Sura? I slow down my pace as I go deeper in thought. That name was something I have not heard my mom spoke for a long time... not since the time she was stricken with my other mother's death.

Xeona... was her name. I still remember sitting on my mom's lap as she played Twinkle Twinkle Little Stars to me, recalling her memories with Xeona. Every time she's always on the brink of tears and even a lot of times crying... but there was always a deep, profound happiness as she remembered those days.

She told me that she and Xeona got into an accident... and someone by the name of Sura was the one who saved mom... and gave her the guitar. She didn't tell me much but I had a feeling it was more than an accident. I never forgot seeing that bow of hers by accident as a kid playing around in her room... and a familiar etched symbol on it. To bestow such a important name onto the brat...

Passing by some of our town's bazaars... I stopped in my track. Letting out a frustrated sigh... I tighten the rope around my gi and turned into the noisy and lively streets of people.

Passing through the intersecting paths of carts... I almost accidentally run into a little Naga as she slithered through the crowd. She rubs her red short hair and looks up at me with sincere reptilian eyes.

"Sorry tall Missster!"

Wait a minute...

"Wait! I'm not Miste-"

And... off she goes into the crowd... how many times must this happen before they know I'm a girl?! Mokuren's teasing words of "Tomboy" keeps rebounding in my head as a painful reminder.

Thanks to my height... I can see over the heads of most people but some of their protruding horns block my vision at times. Scanning over the lines of stands and shops... I'm searching for a particular type of stand.

Now... where is it? The alluring smell of sweetness and milk turns my head towards a stand... there! I wave through the streets... careful to not run into people again.

Ice cream, shaved ice, frozen sweets, and the famous crystal ice puddings specially made by a family of Yuki Onnas. As I arrive at the stand... what came to be my obstacle was a huge line. You've got to be kidding me... should I just head back? As I try to step out of the one something in my conscious cements me legs with the feeling of... guilt?

Tch... fine! I stomp my foot and affirm my position again... to think I would do this. That brat better owe me after this. The sun passes overhead, as the lines trudges on... inching their way forward half-step at a time. The black case still was in my hands... it was approaching evening how the hell are people still buying frozen treats at this time?

Thinking through some of the lesson materials to go over for the dojo... I lost track of time when I finally reached the stand.

"Good afternoon miss!"

The Yuki Onna greeted me with her lavishly long abyss blue eyelashes and dark crescent pupils... the homeland tundra chill curled from her every spoken word. I greet her back.

"Good afternoon... do you have a box of crystal ice pudding?"

Her eyes gleamed with delight as she rushed into the back of the stand. Their stand was more like a little open working food stand. I see another little girl, a younger Yuki Onna mixing a bowl of pudding while breathing ice cold mist and crystals into the mix. They all wore long, white kimonos that blended in with their snow white skin as they worked. They also tied up their crystal blue hair into neat little buns.

"Onee-chan I'm done with the mixing!"

Her big sister comes back to the front desk with a box of crystal ice pudding and puts it in front of me.

"I'll be right there to help! Sorry Miss! Here's a box! That'll be 20 Oryxs!"

I take out my wallet and place 20 silver coins onto the table. She cheerfully accepts it and I take the box with my free arm and heave it onto my shoulders. 20 Oryxs for a box of 24... quite the deal. I give her my thanks.

"Thank you!"

"Bye mister"

Said the little sister. The older sister apologizes quickly at me before I left.

"Mia-chan she's a girl! Sorry Miss! Have a great day!"

"No problems... you have a pleasant day as well."

I leave, but not before hearing one more remark from the little sister to her older sister.

"Eehhh? But her chest is flat!"

Nope... not hurt at all... in fact having smaller breasts improves combat efficiency so I don't mind... not at all.

I weave my way out through the crowd again... the daylight was waning and to do what the azure sun cannot do now, the black pedestal cages release their embers of light around me... Hope I'm not late for dinner... let's see... it's about 6:30 pm right now.

When I open the door, I'm greeted by the sight of the brat helping set up the plates on the table and placing all the utensils... she's good for something at least.

"Welcome home Kyui!"

Mom greets me from the kitchen with a bright smile and she does a little wave to the brat. Her heart shaped hair curls bounced around as her head turns to me.

"Welcome back Kyuu-san!"

... she sure seems chipper... a little more so than usual. Anyways... I close my eyes and take a deep breath. There's a sinking weight on my heart and chest yelling at me to not do this but I shove them down... shove my pride down... I can't believe I doing this for her. She exclaims.

"Wait! I got something for you!"

She runs off taking something something from the fridge. What is she doing? I didn't look as I take the box of pudding off my shoulder and thrust it to her with my head to the side, avoiding her puppy eyes when I hear her small footsteps come back. But before I can say anything she cuts me off...

"I'm sorry Kyuu-san for this morning so here is my apology!"

What now?! I glance at her... to see her holding out a box of chocolate pudding... the same kind as this morning.

"I... I got this for you... will you forgive me?... huh? Why do you have a box of pudding as well?"

We stand facing each other in awkward silence... both of us outstretched with a box of pudding for one another. All is hear is the slight snicker from my mom as she watches us.

"How thoughtful of you Kyui... you two look adorable."

My face poofs red as I retract my box of pudding.

"I didn't get it for her or anything... I got this so she wouldn't take my pudding so much that's all. Here brat!"

I shove the box onto her and take mine... I look at the box of chocolate pudding in my hand... did she really get it for me? My mom continued to laugh and the brat stood there with a small grin.

"Thank you Kyuu-san! Can I eat this after dinner mom!?"

"Sure thing sweetie. Kyuu-san, you get ready for dinner too."

I nod and take the black suit case into my room and place it on my desk. I'll explain to my mom early tomorrow morning... I don't know if I should let the brat test it yet. Taking off my black gi... I unwrap the sarashi around my chest. The pressure around my chest loosens... some fresh air for my breasts. Looking down at them... they're not that small... right?

Putting on a T-shirt and shorts I exit the room to the wonderful smell of unadon! Alright! The brat was sitting enthusiastically at the table, swinging her legs and staring at her bowl of unadon. I'll give her credit for waiting for us before she started eating everything.

"Hey mom where did you get the eel?"

Mom comes over with a couple dishes of vegetables and kimchi. She sets them down and takes a seat herself.

"Got them on the way here."

I put my hands together and nod along with mom.



The brat was trying to pronounce it too but messed up... as she quickly looks away in embarrassment. My mom rustles her head a little bit, A for effort I guess. With that we dig in to our meal... the sweet, soy sauce was just the right amount and viscosity... and the eel was so soft and succulent! Pairing it with rice for the ultimate combination! If I ever move out... I'm going to miss mom's cooking...

"So Kyui how was the dojo today?"

"It's fine and everything went well... if you don't mind I have something to discuss with you tomorrow morning. How are you today?"

The brat complains in our conversation with rice still sticking to her face.

"Hey! Stop calling me a brat! I thought I told you I had a name!"

My mom uses a napkin to wipe her mouth off... spoiling her as always. And the brat continues to scarf down her food. I watch her pick some vegetables with her chopsticks this time... albeit still a little shaky with holding it. Mom answers me.

"She went buying fruits with me and she was such a sweet heart to buy you the pudding... don't you think so?"

"I'm not giving her credit... she ate my pudding first... what else did the brat do today? Up to no good?"

The brat freezes for a mere undetectable moment... don't think I didn't notice. Mom continues...

"Oh, I took her to see your high school Kyui! And went to see your favorite place the park library."

My high school huh... it brings back memories. I remember seeing a beautiful, certain celestial dryad picking out books... hands to her chin in deep thought. Picking from the same section next to her... she accidentally bumps into me. Hoisting her up to her feet I apologize and so does she... that was our first meeting... and I never forgot how beautiful she looked the first time. But it was her personality, our conversations, and our times spend that truly began our relations through time. Those were some fun times... I won't push mom to spill what the brat was up to, at least not today.

After dinner I helped clean up the dishes alongside the brat... she was struggling so much to reach the high table to wash the dishes. With a kick, I pass a small stool to her.

"Here idiot... use this."

She looked at me with a blank expression before smiling.

"Thank you Kyuu-san."

"Don't mention it."

After wiping the tables and cleaning... I was looking through the fridge, taking out a perfectly cold chocolate pudding. Squeezing from underneath me, the brat also took one of puddings I bought. She hopped onto the couch and I stand instead. My mom enters the bathroom.

"Hey Kyui! I'll be taking an early shower right now okay?"

"Go ahead."

I stand there, leaning on the wall... enjoying the smooth, creamy chocolate swirl pudding mixed with the blessed vanilla. The brat was bouncing up and down on the couch, eating scoop after scoop of the cold, crystalline pudding with each bite... a cold mist now trailed from her mouth every time she opened it.

"So good!! It's so cold but so good!! It's like eating crunchy ice and pudding at the same time! "

I swear if she spills it on the ouch.

"Hey! You better not spill it on the couch!"

She ceased her bouncing and nodded with the biggest smile, so annoyingly bright it might've been looking at the sun directly... buying that pudding for her perhaps wasn't the worst idea... it'll keep her quiet... and I think I was a little too harsh to her this morning. That thought was under my good conscious the entire time.

Hearing me behind her, she turns around with a spoon in her mouth. I look away again... unable to face her directly. With mom unable to hear us and tease me...

"Hey... thanks for the pudding... Sura."

The spoon falls out of her mouth onto the couch. Are you kidding me?!

"Brat! What did I just-"

Before I can giver her a good smacking! She tackles into my waist with a hug... refusing to let go. Almost losing my balance as I hold onto my pudding not to drop it on the floor, I yell at her.

"Let go you brat! What are you doing!"

"You said my name! You said my name! Thank you Kyuu-san!!"

I smack her head with a flick and she finally let's go... a red mark on her forehead.

"Ow! Hehehe..."

"Go clean up your mess brat!"

"Yes ma'am!"

She hurries off to get a towel to wipe the couch... all the time wearing her signature know-nothing elated expression. Dealing with her almost feels normal now... I feel a slight smirk emerging on my face... well it isn't all bad I guess.

*Inside Wild Silver's (Author-san) mind*

Silver kicks in the door with his leg sticking in. Wild turns around with her pen in hand, trying for all sake to figure out the drawing program on her tablet... so god damn complicated. Silver steps in with two boxes on his shoulders.

"Wooo! What's up Wild! God damn the midterm season is over!"

Wild sits back in her chair and laughs.

"Yeah about that... you still have yet another midterm next week."

Silver stops dead in the middle of his dancing... and slowly sets down the two boxes.

"Well this news does not bode well... How!?"

"Actually you are technically correct, THIS midterm cycle has ended... and you ended up at the beginning of another cycle again..."

Silver flops onto the couch, face down muffled in the cushion.

"Our university literally doesn't have a spring break! Can't I at least get some rest!? I don't wanna! I don't wanna! I don't wanna! I don't wanna!"

Silver hits his fist into the cushion and over and over again in defiance. Wild sighs and stands up... stretching her body and tight muscles as she flexes her biceps.

"Oh quit your whining... we're both going through tough times."

Silver turns his head to the side and pouts.

"Oh yeah... how's working out the drawing program of ours?"

Wild sets down her pen among the cords connected to her laptop and tablet. She rubs her head.

"It's a pain in the ass... I don't even know how to clean the lines and draw with layers. And I'm not used to drawing on the tablet so everything feels off."

Silver sits up and raises his arms to the empty sky...

"At least I'm not the only one suffering... you know... our mind is kind of bland and boring. How bout we change the setting a bit? Make it a little more interesting for our readers?"

With the snap of his fingers, the room becomes a massive expanse of grass plains and flower fields with towering pillars of stone reaching far in the sky with no end. Wild walks around a bit, enjoying the breeze as the grass rustles around her.

"Yeah I could use a break... speaking of which... what's with those two boxes you brought in?"

Silver jumps up!

"Oh yeah! They're cosplay costumes... or clothes that I got! I got this Polish dress from someone nice and kind... and I got this Gogeta costume for you! Let's change!"

Wild takes out her Gogeta costume... hmmm... nice. She takes of her shirt and puts on the vest and cloth wraps. But she doesn't wear the gi pants. Silver was still struggling to put on the Polish dress when he looks at Wild.

"Where are your bras and gi pants! Have some decency for our readers!"

"Nothing wrong with a little fan service."

Silver scoffs.

"Fan service huh... you got not honor. Help me put on the Polish dress!"

Wild walks over, towering Silver, and leans down to help him put on the dress. And the result was this... have my fun DOODLE!!

I'm back! This was not posted on Monday cause I have another exam on Tuesday so I need time to study! How you like the skit!? I could do some more fun ones if you have any fun suggetions and sometimes maybe do a little doodle out of them!

That's right I have more exams and I have no Spring Break! Lucky me am I right? As always, point out stuff, criticize me, say some suggestions, and leave a comment.

Wild_Silvercreators' thoughts
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