
The Curious Little Spy

*Flower Maiden's POV*

My eyes flutter a bit… is it morning? I turn my head slowly to my right, the early streams of sunlight coming through the window. The azure sun slowly, but surely rising, a fiery violet cast of colors over the horizon.

"Hey you, you're finally awake."

Kyuu-san was sitting at her desk, her hands writing on the holograms of her matrix cube. Her eyes didn't look at me but seem really concentrated on what's before her. She had a pen and paper in hand as well.

"Come on you lazy brat, breakfast is ready."

I sit up and rub my eyes to trying to drive away from the fatigue. Why is it always so hard to wake up in the morning... I wish I can stay in this warm... comfy bed, hugging my pillow just a bit long- no! Don't go there me, you'll fall asleep again! I pinch my cheeks a little to wake myself. My ink-black hair was all frizzy and poofy all around. My untamed licks of silver hair dropping down before my noise, tickling it.

"Aa… Aa! Achoo!!"

I blew my hair away before it lazily slapped my face again. Kyuu-san turned to me, her hand quickly waving away the holograms.

"Come on, get up and wash up, mother's going to help you do your hair."

I nod and let out a satisfying, loud yawn to Kyuu-san's annoyance. I slip off the bed, my bare feet on the wooden floor.

"Alright! Another day! Another adventure!"

A couple more days until Kyuu-san's dojo date. I can't wait! Kyuu-san's ears cringed and shrunk at my explanation, her body shuddering.

"Shut up! What are you yelling so loud for in the morning!"

I received a chop to the head to cut off my morning mood. Well… I should've seen that coming. It's been a couple of days since meeting with Goddess Myriam. Meanwhile, I resorted to staying mostly home against all my wishes cause Kyuu-san was teaching me common etiquette and a bit more about this village, as well as mostly teaching me to do chores... couldn't do it herself lazybutt.

"Good morning sweetie!"

"Good morning mom!"

I snuggled up to Ohari and gave her a hug. Her soft chest and fluffy tail almost making me fall asleep again in her arms. She helped comb my hair down at the table… those two licks at the top of my head never go down huh. I ate her freshly cooked, classic scrambled eggs with an extra bit of pepper and crunchy toast along with a sweet apple. I remember that I don't need to eat or drink… but since I do where does all the food go? I look down at my stomach… nothing's changed… well guess this means I can just eat more.

Over the last few days, Kyuu-san also helped explain to Ohari my condition. At first, she was worried and went out to buy several healing potions just in case I had another... harrowing episode, which I thankfully didn't. But she soon came to be more relaxed, seeing how well I'm doing now, but she's still a bit overprotective of me.

"You know munchkin, I just realized you never used the bathroom... do you not feel any need to?"

She's right...

"I guess I don't then, it seems the food and drinks I eat... go somewhere."

"Well that's convenient I guess, but you know I'm a little jealous of you not being able to get fat or worry about such things."

She booped my nose and rested her chin on my head. Her tail wrapping around both of us.

I didn't want to take Ohari's kindness and Kyuu-san's… hospitality for granted so I helped clean up everyone's dishes after breakfast and this time with a stool so I don't have to tiptoe every time. Over the last days, I was being trained vigorously by Kyuu-san to do chores.

"If you're gonna live here, then you better help out. I'm not letting you stay for free."

I, of course, listened. Ohari tried to defend me saying she doesn't mind doing some of my chores but Kyuu-san scolded her for being too lenient and that I must learn to be independent. I guess Kyuu-san cares for me... in her own way. After a couple of buckets of spilled water and accidentally… uhh… moping Kyuu-san's tail I finally got the hang of mopping the floor and cleaning the windows. I thought there would be cool technology to help me but Kyuu-san said this is the right way to clean the house… whatever that means.

"Thank you for helping, but honestly if you do all the chores I'm going to be bored."

"Well, now you have more free time to do what you want."

Throughout the rest of the day, Ohari taught me various things like how to use chopsticks more properly. Turns out I was holding it wrong the entire time despite being able to pick up food. She taught me about how this village was once created as well as about some of the other planets which we can visit!

"Can we go there sometime?! Please! I want to see all the other planets and I want to go on big adventures."

I bring my hands out as if to emphasize the grand scale of my adventures and ambitions. Ohari chuckled lightly, then looked out the window at one of the visible planets.

"I fear that I'm a little too worn out to have such big adventures anymore. After a long time, I realized I just wanted a little bit more of a peaceful life but not too boring."

Ohari's eyes took on a weary look, she no longer looked like the radiant mother she is. She almost looked afraid of... something.

"I'm sorry mom, I was selfish there."

"What? No, no, never... when you grow up or maybe if Kyuu-san is willing, you can go there to explore the galaxies with your friends and perhaps even find someone special. It's life sweetie, it's not wrong wanting to live the way you want. In the end, you'll come to regret it if you don't at least try."

Ohari rubbed my arm affectionately. I sensed a deep sadness in her voice when she uttered the word "regret". I wanted to ask, to maybe help, but I don't know how to. Even I'm aware it may be painful to bring back her past.

For the rest of the day, I decided to stay in the house with Ohari, cheering her up. Kyuu-san seems absorbed in her work, coming out of her room only for food. I asked Ohari what she was so busy with.

"She's preparing for tomorrow's new semester of the dojo. I bet she's trying to plan tomorrow's events and as well as plan for the semester."

Throughout the day I constantly asked Kyuu-san if I could go with her to the dojo. To this she said:

"No you cannot, how many times are you going to bug me about it?! I don't want you disturbing me and it can be dangerous for you okay. What if you get hurt again? You want to make mother worry?"

Uhh... she playing the mom card against me. All of my pleads have been met with failure. Well, this is why I hid a flyer so I can know where she went. I plan on sneaking just a look at the dojo.

I also watched a crythoscreen show. It was awesome! It had these super-strong characters fighting each other and firing awesome attacks! I was entranced by the martial arts displayed in the show as ferocious battles occur. The coolest moment was when the main character's aura exploded with golden energy, lightning striking around as clouds darkened in his presence. I remember his legendary words as he faced his enemy:

"I am the hope of the universe... I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace... I am the protector of the innocent... I am the light in the darkness... I am truth. Ally to good... Nightmare to you!!!"

All it does is pump me up to visit Kyuu-san's dojo! Are martial arts just as cool as it is here?! What about quanta arts? I can't wait! Will I get to see epic battles like here? At the end of the day, such questions swarmed my head as I stared at the starry dark sky, the sun setting slowly revealing the magnificent canvas of the universe before again. It has become my daily ritual, to lay on the roof and gaze into the night... and just wonder.

My eyes shot open, today's the day! I spring out of the bed full of energy, I made sure to get a good amount of sleep. I look around but I didn't see Kyuu-san… weird. I walked out and was greeted by Ohari who set down breakfast.

"Good morning mom! Have you seen Kyuu-san?"

"Morning! Sorry, but Kyuu-san left already."

Left already… and left me behind?! I look at the time, it was only 7 am! The flyer said the first dojo class started at 8 am! I have to catch up! But first...

"Mom… can I go watch Kyuu-san at the dojo?"

As if expecting this question all along, Ohari winked at me with her lush eyes and smiled slyly at me.

"Go ahead, but make sure Kyuu-san doesn't catch you. She can be a little strict but I won't keep you down. I would come along but, I don't think I can match your overwhelming energy sweetie and I'll just get found out by Kyuu-san I let you out."

Best mom in the world! I ran into her with a fierce hug, she anticipated and picked me up, swinging me around in a circle of her warm embrace before setting me down.

"Thank you!"

I run off into Kyuu-san's room and pick out some clothes. I had to learn how to properly put on clothes in the last few days. I still hate clothes so much! But I didn't want to confuse everyone in the village by being nude... or make Kyuu-san angry so I picked out a cotton jacket and shorts. I take the flyer from underneath Kyuu-san's bed with me and rushed out the front door waving goodbye to Ohari.

"I'll be back mom!"

Before I could run out, Ohari gave me a firm hug.

"Please be careful sweetie! Don't hurt yourself. Don't make me be afraid for you okay? I know this village is really safe but still... be safe. Don't mess around too much at the dojo okay? You might get hurt so please don't make me worry."

I tighten my hug with her.

"I will mom."

I stand outside on the grass, outstretching my hands in a yawn. Freedom! The birds above me chirping happily to the bright morning sunrise. I take in a breath and breath out, seeing my breath... it's a bit cold, isn't it? The morning wet grass ever so comfortable on my feet, its soft texture caressing the bottom of my feet. That's right, no getas today!

I pull on my jacket a little, it's still uncomfortable and it's rubbing against my chest. I didn't put bras or bloomers on, no Kyuu-san to boss me around. I thought about it for a second, my petals then brushed against my arm... aha! I take off my jacket and wrapped it around my waist. I then move two of my petals to cover my breast... there we go. My petals feel silky and soft and warm as well... perfect cover! I let my other two petals wrap around my neck like a scarf and extended it so that the two petals flowed freely behind me like those cool ninjas I saw on the crythoscreen.

"Alright! Ret to go!"

I haven't been able to run free and test my body yet, this finally my chance. I take out the flyer with its map... hmmm... it's quite far on the other side of the Magami Aura. I put the flyer away and I run towards the village.

"Woah! Hahaha!"

I let out a yelp of excitement as my legs carried through the meadow, the wind picking up behind me in a whirlwind. With the rush of the wind against my body, the wind stream past my hair, I put my hands out to the side, relishing this sense of thrilling freedom. I arrived at the village in seconds of course holding back a little. I begin walking through the myriad of people already filling the streets and paths as chatter echoed throughout the village, affectionate laughs and good mornings galore.

Uhh... I'm having a rough time trying to see where I'm going, everyone's so tall here! I try to hop a little to see what paths I need to take but it doesn't help. Come on! What to do? I look to the roofs and buildings around me... hehe I got an idea.

Making sure I was clear of people around me, I jumped and launch myself high up in the air, a little higher than I expected almost crashing into a Chiya (nickname for Chidiya चिड़िया) girl.

"Hey! Watch where you're going!"


I wave apologetically to her as I'm falling down, the girl soon doing a double-take with the most hilarious confusion on her face. For a brief moment in the sky, I hung there, the sunlight shining ever so brightly glistening off my tan skin, it felt like time stopped just for a little before I dived back down again. I see the sunrise above the horizon and the mystic clouds above me... I reached out my hand wondering, just how far I can jump or maybe one day, I'll fly. It's... taking a while to fall down, and look down position myself carefully to land... and Bam! I remember the way Jacky positioned her legs to land safely when she shot out of the water.

"Stuck the landing!"

Now on the roof, I can see everything before me. The chimneys and thatched roofs of buildings everywhere and the people walking below me. I take out the flyer this time, it shows pictures of a massive monastery and temples together for the dojo recalling back to how the bulletin showed me pictures of a massive field for training as well. I hopped on to the highest chimney I can find, scouting ahead of me over the landscape. I scan my eyes hoping to find the distinctive ornate roofs of the temples... there it is. It's still far away but now that I am not slowed down, I'll make it in no time.

I begin heading there jumping roof to roof, chimney to chimney. Laughing with each jump, the euphoria and exhilaration, it was a roller coaster of excitement as I reached the crescendo of my jump and I begin falling down again.

"Mama look! Someone's in the sky!"

I look down to see a little centaur boy looking at me with sparkles in his eyes. I do a little wave smiling before jumping out of sight. I've reached the town center and the dojo was clearer in sight, just a couple section of buildings away here we go!

"Hey kid! Having fun aren't you hahaha!"

A familiar booming voice ringed, it was Bard pushing his cart around the town center. A joyful grin on his face as he called out to me!

"Morning Bard! Yep! The time of my life!"

I continue jumping my way towards the dojo, doing little twirls, and maneuvers on the way there. It felt natural to do them and I did so without fail, but I always kept mom's words in mind to be safe. A couple of little adorable birds flew beside me with their little puffy green feathered bodies and long-tails chirping happily at me.

"Hey little birdies!"

They chirped in response and continued to follow me, dancing around me and twirling as I did in the air. As I approached I began to pick up sounds of chanting. Quanta arts and martial arts, they looked so cool! What awaits me there?

With a final vault, I landed on the very top of one of the dojo's monastery. Looking around, I sat on the largest monastery that served as the entrance as well. The dojo had a massive rectangular landscape, with walls and temples lining the outer boundaries except for one side which opened outwards into a massive field with various platforms, obstacles, and equipment I've never seen before. I think I see a large garden filled with small rocky mountains, ponds, and bridges as well as beautiful trees. Wow, do all dojos have such a neat little garden and pond? It seems the entire dojo sat on the outer edges of the village.

The center of the dojo was a massive training ground with a smooth paved stone floor. The architecture of the dojo was really pretty, it had dark grey tiles for roofs that had a slight curvature and the temples had many levels to them. The temples and monasteries were made of beautifully carved rosy light brown wood along with distinctive red accents. Many of the dojo rooms within the temples were open for view with a wooden interior, matting (tatami mats) on the floor, and these sliding wooden doors and windows covered with this slightly translucent white sheet (I tried finding the specific name for the material but couldn't, sorry).

"Ha! Ha! Ha!"

Chants echoed throughout the air, the central training ground had groups of people uniformly spread out with people performing punches, accenting each forceful thrust with a powerful, in sync yell. People of all lineages were here, Nagas, Chiyas, felines, dog lineages, even centaurs. And who was standing in front of them, yelling out commands in an all too demanding and fiery voice with her famous black gi... Kyuu-san.

"Put your body's mass and movement into it! The force of your punch becomes greater when your body moves accordingly with your attacks! Train both your body and your mind! Hone your movements!"

She walks over to a girl with a monkey tail. Kyuu-san catches her fist then corrects her posture.

"Wukong, make sure your fist and wrist are turned slightly downwards in your punches. Otherwise, your wrist can bend upwards upon impact and you could severely injure your wrist. Martial arts is a lot more dangerous in some aspects than you think and even more so in real battles."

The monkey girl blushed lightly as Kyuu-san corrected her posture.

"Ye-yes sensei."

Sensei?! Kyuu-san is the sensei here!? This is her work? Well, I suppose it isn't hard to imagine her being one. I watched them move on to sweeping kicks in practice. Their elegant yet powerful movements excited me. Though I find it a bit funny how people like Nagas and Centaurs can't do kicks like others. But it seems they have their own versions with one Naga swinging its snake half quickly and snapping back, cracking the air like a whiplash while the centaur performs various forward and backward kicks although it looked a bit awkward. I couldn't help but try to imitate them... so here I am on the roof trying to do punches and kicks while not falling off or being discovered.


One sweeping kick from them, I responded in kind.


I almost yelled too loudly out of this newfound, burning passion. I watched their bodies closely, noting how they plant their legs and feet and how their bodies move during the kick. In my imitation, I surprisingly did it without losing my balance... it felt... so natural and... blood pumping. It's as if my body's doing this all on its own and on instinct. The exhilaration I felt from performing the kick was nothing like I felt before, I feel the energy within me course ever stronger as if calling to me... this is it.

Throughout their various training and practices, I continued to watch them and imitate them with unabated attention and unwavering interest. With each new punch and arcing kick, the Primordial energy within me grew ever more excited, urging me to satisfy this new calling. The flex of my own muscles, the satisfying force of performing a move, it felt amazing! I want to try martial arts... I want to try quanta arts! I know Ohari cautioned me but, her words about regret rung in my head, this was something I couldn't afford to just not at least try.

In the distance beyond the central training ground, I could see another sensei training another group of people... woah! I see them move their hands in a smooth motion, carrying with them trails of blazing energy. A part of the group was off to the side, guiding their hands to form a blazing ball of brilliant energy and fired it at targets in various forms. Some twirling streams of electricity, some in a fast, straight flash of a beam, and some launching balls of energy decimating their targets. I took notice that each student took different amounts of time gathering energy to fire and differences in power. I was reminded by Goddess Myriam telling me I could try to detect other energy. I close my eyes and calmed my breath, feeling around me many different signatures of quanta energy from large to small, and two very powerful ones: Kyuu-san and someone else.

I turned my head to the other large energy signature and saw that the one watching over students hovering in the air was this tall dragon lady with large wings neatly tucked behind her back. She had deep, ocean blue scales and black, sleek curved horns shaped like a crown. She wore a similar black gi like Kyuu-san. Her muscles were greatly accented on her tan skin and yet her body had an enticing curvature to it. She then spread her large wings outwards, a force of air pressure erupting from her movement before she landed next to someone, correcting their posture and showing them something I could not hear the details of. The person she was helping seemed to struggle with shooting forth quanta energy, the energy quickly dissipating after a long time of concentration.

Before I knew it, in a stunning display, she thrust her hand quickly at the target, massive fire blue energy amassing almost immediately and shooting a beam of pure inferno energy, vaporizing the poor target. She went back to talking to the student, guiding them. After a while, the student under her guidance was finally able to shoot a small ball of energy that dented the target. The student jumped up and down with elation while the dragon lady patted them on the shoulders smiling proudly. I looked at my own hands... could I do what they do? I was tempted to get closer to hear what they were saying, maybe I'll learn something from it. How awesome would it be to fire energy blasts with your hand and who knew what else you could do?!

I stealthily jumped down from my position and on to another temple, this time closer to both the dragon lady sensei and Kyuu-san. I peaked over the top of the roof, looking at Kyuu-san. Her facial expression ever serious but with a sense of pride, enthusiasm, and dedication as she continued to help her students. The dragon lady flew to Kyuu-san and landed near her.

"I think warm-ups enough. I'm going to tell my students to do one-on-one practice with one another and teach them some new techniques."

Kyuu-san gave her a nod and turned to her group.

"Alright, warm-ups over. Everyone take a short break and meet up back here, we're going to do close-quarters training and practice with partners."

Before the dragon lady sensei flew back to her group, she paused for a second and turned her head my way. Crap! I quickly duck my head down... she didn't see me right? I look up to see my two licks of silver hair still visible and I quickly covered them with my hand, stupid hair! I'm worried she'll tell Kyuu-san. I slowly poke my head out again over the roof...


All I see is just the dragon lady's face looking at me with a big grin revealing her sharp teeth and her smoldering, brimstone eyes looking at me.

"Uhh... hi... if you don't mind me I'll just be leav-"

In a swift grab which I couldn't even react to, she picked me up by my petals with her clawed hands and dangled me like a cat held by their neck, and carried me to Kyuu-san. I cried out, uselessly flailing my legs and arms trying to get away.

"Wait! Wait! Wait!"

"Hey Kyuu-san, found this weird little spy on us."

Kyuu-san's expression turned dark as she said with a strained smile.

"Did you now?"

Kyuu-san stepped closer.

"You know, I knew you were here the entire time, for someone who doesn't know how to hide their energy they thought they can sneak around me? Thanks, Klara-san, I would've fired a blast to singe her hair maybe a bit if you didn't already catch her."

Kyuu-san's was going to what?!

Merry Christmas!! I know the pandemic is a pretty bum situation but don't let that get your Christmas cheer down (just make sure to be careful especially family meetings, stay safe). Wear a mask, do some social distancing and let's kick this pandemic's sorry arse! Here's another chapter! It's pretty dang long but hey I'm finally getting into some more action! A special shout out for Padrjk and Vamirek_Not_Worthy for being the absolute best buds so far! And I want to thank you to everyone who reads this and gives this a chance! Feel free to comment and criticize all you want as well as leave suggestions. I am inexperienced after all! Merry Christmas!

Wild_Silvercreators' thoughts
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