

*The Flower Maiden's POV*

I took in another fresh breath of air, the cool sensation filling my body and waking me up. I waited outside for Kyuu-san to come out, she sure is taking her time. Meanwhile, I crouched on the fresh, dewy grass, making my foot slightly wet. I watched the colorful butterflies enjoying their freedom as they danced in the air, occasionally stopping on some flowers allowing me to appreciate their beauty. Seeing them flutter their wings gave me an idea. I took off the cloak that covered my back, allowing my ethereal petals free motion. I then tried forming wings with the butterfly's wings image in mind. It shouldn't be too hard as it just involved expanding my petals into a simple shape. I feel my petals stretch and change shape slowly with the image in my mind... I did it! Now to try to move them! Hopefully, Kyuu-san doesn't come out to see this. I focused all my attention on my back trying to move them in unison... ok ok... 1...2... 3! I tried flapping my wings, the idea of unison falling apart as my petals flapped aimlessly and out of sync. Gusts of wind generating as I tried harder, closing my eyes in concentration... it is so tiring! Then I felt my feet lift off a bit... I... I did it! I thought I had grasped victory when my petals finally give out.


I fell face-first onto the grass out of fatigue... my petals going back to its original shape. A butterfly landed on me and I looked up to see it taunting me as it effortlessly flew off my finger upon Kyuu-san exiting the door.

"What... what are you doing?"

I quickly got up brushing off the grass on my body. My dress was now slightly wet from the grass. I sheepishly avoided meeting Kyuu-san's probing eyes.

"Nothing... what are you doing?"

Plan failed. Despite being more aware of the strange energy inside my body, the petals on my back felt weak and hard to control. I'll need to find some time to train then I could probably fly and do other things too! Kyuu-san was still looking at me suspiciously.

"You got your dress wet too... *sigh*... I leave you for a few minutes and you get yourself in trouble the first thing you do."

With nothing to defend with, I put on a guilty face and smiled apologetically at her. Kyuu-san rubbed her temples and groaned in frustration.

"Nevermind, just listen up and follow me pervert. Remember what I said."

She started walking down the path to the village as I followed closely behind. My white dress gently blowing in the wind as it dried off. I got used to wearing the dress a bit, it was more comfortable than the other clothes Ohari suggested. However, the bloomer and bra still itch a lot.

My bare feet padded quietly along the path towards the village center. Kyuu-san's paw shoes made crunching sounds on some of the gravel and her tail swung lightly behind her, tempting me to play with it. Her pointy ears then twitched, she turned around and looked at me.

"Wait… you aren't wearing any shoes, not that we have any plantigrade (biological term for humanoid legs) shoes for you. Ah damn it! We are going to have to buy shoes for you. You owe me, pervert, for ruining the morning and burning my bed on top of this."

I could only nod my head in response, my head lowered in slight shame. I did cause all the disturbance and incident. But I couldn't think of any way to repay them, not now at least. We continued to follow the path. It was quite calm at first, only the slight rustling of the meadow and the pleasant chirp of birds were heard. I looked over the village as we went downhill, the sunlight illuminating its beautiful landscape and the great, magnificent tree. Now that I had a closer look, the village was large and extensive. I had to turn my head right and left to encompass its expanse even looking from the outskirts. Kyuu-san suddenly waved, her hand brushing across the village, the great tree, the beautiful forests, the mystical floating mountains, and the star-filled sky as I curiously followed her hand across the horizon.

"This here… what you see before you… is the planet of Aurora. There is still a lot more to this world than what your perverse eyes can see here. And that giant tree you see is the Megami Aura. It is the home of Goddess Myriam, she helps protect this village and watch over us."

So this is my homeworld... and Goddess Myriam. What does she look like? Are there perhaps other gods as well? Did she plant the Magami Aura? I held myself back from bombarding Kyuu-san with them since I feel like she'll get angry again at me for asking too much... killjoy.

As we entered the village moving further in from the outskirts, the sound of various footsteps and the chatter of conversations settled in. We were walking on one of the many paths towards the center of the village. Streets and paths intersected with one another as people walked around from seemingly all corners of life. Traditional, multi-level buildings lined the sides as people went in and out of stores and houses. Some buildings had thatched roofs while many others had what Kyuu-san told me were roof tiles. Some were made of the beautifully carved wood I have seen before and some were made from smooth, painted stone and bricks. Chimneys small and big characterized the roofs and I saw people opening the windows looking out below. It was so lively! I was entranced once again by the myriad of people here and the hustle and bustle of the village.

A little girl with furry ears ending in black fur tips and black-spotted fur growing from her wrist walked hand in hand with a woman on either side. She giggled and hurried her little paws to catch up to the women's much larger stride. Short, shaggy hair bobbed up and down sometimes getting tangled in her two curved horns growing from her head.

"Stop jumping so much Nara, you're getting your hair messed up."

Said the woman on Nara's right, still struggling to free the strands of Nara's hair from her horns. She was a beautiful cat looking lady with fur similar to Nara. On Nara's right, hooves clicking on the pavement is a tall lady whose long shaggy hair and large, glistening horns also resembled Nara.

"Oh let it be honey, let her have a little fun, after all, we're heading to the toy store aren't we sweety?"


Nara replied sweetly and the cat lady couldn't help but let out a chuckle, lovingly squeezing Nara's hand a little tighter. I pulled lightly on Kyuu-san clothes, who was still leading me through the path. I pointed towards the wholesome family.

"Kyuu-san, who are those people? Are they cats or some kind of other animal race? What about the little kid?"

Kyuu-san quickly smacked my fingers away.

"It's rude to point brat. The two mothers are the lynx lineage and the ox lineage. Their daughter is a hybrid."

"Woah really!? That's so cool! You're of fox lineage right Kyuu-san?"

Upon hearing my question, her ears perked up. Her chest puffed out and chin held high.

"Not exactly, we are a proud lineage of spirit foxes, a little different from the typical fox family. Our creation dates back to the history of our great yokai fox, Goddess Kaiyo. She is part of the legendary Prometheus clan, sworn warriors protecting worlds and fighting for their ideals and beliefs~ahem..."

Kyuu-san quickly coughed and ended her speech, her face slightly red noticing my staring... wow... to impress even Kyuu-san, this Prometheus clan must be something. This was the first she was so willing to reply back to me. Her eyes full of admiration as she spoke.

"Spirit foxes… what does that mean? And who are the Prometheus clan?"

Kyuu-san regained her posture and paused a bit before answering.

"It'll take too long to drill into that thick skull of yours who they are and the differences and teach you about quanta energy. Maybe later brat."


Can't she mince her words a bit? I continued following Kyuu-san, holding on to the edge of her clothes to not get lost as I wandered with my eyes. There is so much for me to learn. I'll wait patiently for now and ask when I can, but I wonder just how many things and wonderful stuff out there I'm missing out on? Vendors lined some sides promoting their wares, people talking with one another as occasional light laughter filled the air… I looked up once more, seeing bird people flying above us, their colorful feathers folding into their arms as they gently landed on their claws. Their various sizes and bizarre shapes of spiraling tail feathers sprouted from their head. Following my eyes, Kyuu-san knew who I was looking at.

"They are the Chidiya (चिड़िया) lineage… mesmerized by their beauty eh pervert?"

Saying this with a proud smirk, Kyuu-san and I traveled deeper into the village, the Migami Aura's branches stretching far, far above us. The leaves were a bright green as the sunlight shined through the tree's canopy. It was new, to see Kyuu-san speak so freely about something, it was hard to not hear the hint of love and pride in her voice.

"Hey Kyuu-san!"

A voice called out to Kyuu-san. It was a person at a vendor. The owner was a young man with floppy dog ears paired with short spiky hair and fur on his forearms. His tail wagged excitedly behind him as he waved his hand at us. His cart displayed various fruits I've never seen before. I spotted a purplish, round-shaped fruit that resembled the fruit I had this morning. He wore a welcoming smile on his face as he hollered out to Kyuu-san. Kyuu-san turned her head to the man.

"Bard, nice to see you again."

Kyuu-san and I walked over to him and she shook her hand firmly.

"To you too! Gotta say your mother's cookies were delicious! If she makes any more I'll be happy to buy it again."

"Thanks, Bard, to your fruits as well. Your stock always has the freshest fruits."

The young man scratched his chin and let out a burst of booming laughter.

"Well, I don't wake up every day at 5 AM for nothing! Gotta take care of the farm with care and maximum vigor."

He flexed his arms in a comical pose. I couldn't help but stifle my laughter but some still slipped through my pursed lips. The young man's eyes moved down to me who was beside Kyuu-san.

"Oh? Who's this little youngling? Wait... she looks like that streaking kid from yesterday by the gate."

Kyuu-san scoffed.

"Yeah it's this exhibitionist pervert we decided to take in thanks to my mother. Nothing but trouble to us so far."

Does she really have to accuse me of a pervert and make fun of me everywhere even in front of others?! I take back when I gave you more credit than you deserve for being kind to me!

"I'm not a pervert! Even if I wanted to wear clothes I didn't have any!"

I stared back at Kyuu-san and she stared back challengingly. Our height difference making quite an awkward stand-off as I tilted my head high up to face her while she bent her back to face me down. A booming laugh rang out again.

"Hahahaha! It's alright little youngling, you sure gave us a jump though. With whatever you did causing that loud boom. Well, I'll let you be on your way, just wanted to say hi."

Averting her gaze from mine, Kyuu-san turned back to Bard.

"Thanks, now say sorry for the trouble you caused yesterday."

Apologize? I already did it for Ohari and she said it was okay.

"But I didn't mea~"

Kyuu-san pushed my head down forcefully. I said half-heartedly mumbled my apologies and we went on our way waving bye to Bard. Along the way, there were several exchanges between Kyuu-san and some passerby. Everyone sure is friendly and close to one another here.

I trailed behind Kyuu-san, still looking around with fascination. I spotted a group of kids around a tall woman with a big hat with a pointy top and long pointy ears. She had dark skin like me but her hair was a shade of glimmering gold curled in cute bobs. She wore a long, purple cloak with several pouches and she had a wooden staff with a snow-flake crystal on top. She was handing out balloons to the children around here. But the balloons looked different, inside each ballon were swirling masses of bright energy. Each came in different energy colors. I want one! I walked towards the lady and entered the small crowd of children... I blend in a little too easily due to my height... how long does it take for me to grow up? I waited patiently until I got to meet the lady. She looked at me with a tender smile and asked.

"Oh? Who's this little cutey pie here? You want a balloon?"

"Sorry, I don't have any money lady with a weird hat."

She smiled again and stood straight back up, moving her hand to show off her necklace with an odd star symbol on it.

"I'm not some lady with a weird hat, I'm an elven witch. And it's okay I'm handing these out for free, I wouldn't charge you good little kiddos."

She booped my nose with her long fingers.


I looked at the collection of balloons in her hand... but couldn't find the color I wanted.

"Do you have a blue balloon?"

"Sure thing little elf girl... give me a sec. "

She took out a small blue sort of film then she channeled streams of blue energy through her staff as the crystal on it sparkled. The energy flowed into the film and inflated it. She handed it to me and I held the balloon closely feeling the energy, it felt similar to what Kyuu-san used on me except it felt a lot weaker and just swirled around aimlessly yet it made an attractive display.

"Thank you so much witch lady!"

I stood there still wondering about something. Did she call me an elf? Ohari once called me a dryad... was she wrong? I wanted to ask the kind witch lady so I began to take off my cloak to show her my petals to ask her if she really knows who or what I am when I felt my petals being touched and pulled.

"Ah that tickles!"

I turn around to find a little girl with her bottom half a snake and a cat boy feeling up my petals. they were playing with my petals when I revealed some of it. They giggled and poked, brushing their hands on my sensitive ethereal limbs.

"Hey what's this?"

"This is so cool!"

I tried to pull my petals back carefully and complained. Meanwhile, the witch lady kind of stared dumbfounded at the scene.

"Hey wait~Eyaa! Please stop touching my petals!"

They didn't listen and the other kids were beginning to be attracted... Oh no! The cloak was long gone being tossed aside when the commotion started. Upon someone squeezing my petals, I reflexively pulled back and it unintentionally became like a whiplash nearly hitting a kid and it swung towards my face knocking myself over. I then heard running footsteps toward me as I was enveloped in the cloak I lost and furry soft tail wrapped around me... nice. Kyuu-san.

"Scram brats ain't nothing to see here!"

Kyuu-san menacingly crossed her arms and gave her infamous glare to the kids around me. They started running away, one slithered, leaving me alone. She let out a sigh of both relief and annoyance. She looked down at me sternly and helped me back up.

"Damn it pervert, don't run off like that I thought I lost you! I told you not to cause any trouble and you do what? The exact opposite by revealing your back!"

My face was in stinging pain and I rubbed my cheeks for comfort.

"Eh? But you said don't swing around my petals near people which I didn't. The kids were messing with me and I accidentally~"

I saw a fire lit in her eyes as she stepped dangerously closer. I didn't do anything wrong, I listened to you exactly! I shrank away seeing her get angry... don't pull me by the ears! She closed her eyes and hesitated before talking again.

"Take my hand."


"I said take my hand so this way you're not getting anywhere got it!? What if you hurt others or yourself again?"

I put my hand on her and she grasped it tight, but not hurting me. She apologized to the elven witch lady who was still standing there looking with wide eyes.

"What? Oh uhh... no worries?"

"So much for not attracting attention."

Kyuu-san muttered. I walked silently alongside Kyuu-san, the balloon still in my other hand. Somehow I didn't lose it during the whole time. Kyuu-san right, I'm glad none of the kids got hurt... except me. Kyuu-san also helped me again too.

"Kyuu-san... I'm sorry."

I handed her my balloon as a sign of apology. It was the best I can offer for now. She turned her head to me, a look of mild surprise.

"Keep it... it's yours. Going to take a lot more than that to make up the troubles you caused."

I smiled gently knowing her usual harsh tone was back.

"What are you smiling creepily for, pervert?"


We proceeded on to our way, this time Kyuu-san checking her side keeping her eyes on me as if I will somehow run off again... I'm not that reckless.

We continued walking and got closer and closer to the town center. We eventually with little trouble reached the town center where the Magami Aura sat in the middle as a huge garden encircled around the base of the tree. Stores and buildings expanded outward from the base in rings along with paths and roads separating each ring. We stood outside the garden entrance where a large path led towards the Magami Aura. Looking at it, the trunk was super massive!

"Hey, Kyuu-san how large is the trunk?"

"About 100 meters in diameter pip-squeak."

Pip-squeak!? I'm not that short...

Violet roses, tulips, lily flowers, and hibiscus lined the sides of the path along with cherry trees blushing a color of alluring pink. There was much more exotic and alien flora in the massive garden of which I could list the names of for hours. The large path led to two massive wooden doors which I think is the entrance into the base of the trunk, Goddess Myriam's home... what a big place to live in. Ornately carved on it was a depiction of an elegant woman with short pointy ears. Her hands outstretched to the sides, welcoming me in a warm embrace. She had long winding, curved antlers that continued to branch outward with tear-shaped crystals embedded in the wooden door hanging from them. The crystal glistened brightly under the sunlight. Her long, vine-like hair flowed down her back with many carvings of flowers decorating her hair. Branches intertwined around her arms and completely enveloped her lower half. I heard Kyuu-san voice next to me.

"That's Goddess Myriam."

Goddess Myriam... her holy appearance left a strong impression.

"She looks beautiful, she reminds me of the dryads I've seen when I arrived."

"Goddess Myriam is the creator of dryads, their originator, she is the God of Nature and dryads is one of her most loved creations."

God of Nature? Maybe I can ask her what or who I am? I was born from a giant lily so surely she knows right?

"Wait here and don't. Run. Off. I've got to make a call to someone."

Kyuu-san finally let go of my hand and tapped the wrist band thing on her wrist. Some kind of image popped up above it… how does that work?

"Damn it… how does this work…"

While Kyuu-san was muttering and tapping the air where the image was, looking for something, I moved closer to her wrist and waved through the image. My hand went through it!

"Hey! What are you doing? You just changed the hologram!"

Kyuu-san then pinched my cheeks in annoyance.

"Aahh! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I was just curious!"

She finally let go of my cheeks after a good pinching. I'm sure my cheeks are ruby red now. She then pointed to a seat nearby.

"Take a seat there and stay put. I don't want any more trouble out of you."

She then went back to concentrating on her wrist thing… muttering something about Mokuren. I sat on the chair swinging my legs to pass time, Kyuu-san still engrossed in her wrist thing seemingly stuck as her thick eyebrows furrowed in irritation. I then noticed a circular opening on the floor not far from me with railings around them. The opening had a large set of stairs leading downward. I know Kyuu-san wanted me to stay put but I couldn't contain my wandering imagination… where did it lead? Underground tunnels? Secret location? A bottomless pit to kick evildoers into to punish them with eternal boredom with the only hope they feel is praying for death? It wasn't far so I hopped over to the opening without Kyuu-san noticing. I should be fine I'm not too far away and she can see me if she turned slightly. There were a lot of people at the town center but no one was near the opening. I think I'm safe and no one can get hurt... I hope. I walked down the stairs a couple of steps to see water, the circular opening led to a calm water surface. The stairs leading down extended into the water so I carefully went down to the last step before it was submerged. I crouched down and to look closer, one of the steps read:

"Jalaparee (जलपरी) Entrance/Exit"

The water was deep and it seemed to open up to a huge space underground. Was this all under the village? As I stared closer, there were underwater structures and buildings at the bottom. Exotic jellyfish and swarms of fish glowed in the water and crystal corals lit up the structures with prismatic light. There were underwater plants big and small, some stretching up almost reaching the surface. I was tempted to stick my head in the water to get a better look but the thought of Kyuu-san furious reaction to me drenched after disobeying her again was... scary. I looked around a bit more from what view the opening could give me and saw the Magami Aura's massive trunk extending all the way into the bottom with house structures made from sculpted rock built around the trunk... how large was this underwater village? I saw several swimming figures in the water although it wasn't too clear at those depths. They looked like people but their bottom halves were tails with fins.

Suddenly a young girl passed by the opening and saw me, she flashed a sharky grin and waved at me, her serpent lower half swaying around. She had fins on her arms and face, slits on her neck, and her skin was slightly greenish blue with reflective scales covering her serpent tail. I waved back with an excited smile… so mermaids and serpent people lived underneath the village... I want to see it!

She then swam deeper and gave me a thumbs up which confused me, what is she doing? She then charged upward, gracefully erupting out of the water in an arc. Shooting high up in the air, her scales glimmering in the sunlight. While in the air, her lower-half morphed into two legs as she stuck her landing yelling:

"Ta-Da!! How ya like the show lil girly?"

Unfortunately, her display caught me off guard and splashed water all over myself. I jumped in surprise, losing my balance. In the midst of my panic, I felt my body fall forward towards the water. Just as I thought I would get an early bath my four petals reflexively shot out gripping the railings. I was now suspended over the opening with my toes barely touching the stairs. I feel my grip on the railings starts to loosen... if only I had more control and practice!

"Ah! I messed up, hang on lil girl!"

The serpent girl noticed and tried to pull me up but it was too late. I slipped and found myself again falling... I wonder how mad Kyuu-san will be this time... I have no idea how to redeem myself now.

Another chapter yay! I plan to release more chapters after Nov 23rd. I don't know if I'll make it next week but I'll try! I am so tired... and thank you so much for the people that put it in your library! If anyone is wondering when the action will take place, wait a few more chapters where it begins! Well... off to do university work... sad noises. Any feedback would be great. Such as does the flower maiden seem too annoying or something not executed so well? I do feel like I go too much into descriptions cause I really wanted to describe the village but that oftentimes can take away from character focuses and plot focus. Hit me with criticisms, it going to take a lot more than a typical isekai truck running me over to hurt me.

Wild_Silvercreators' thoughts
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