
Chapter 32

Aduke'S POV

I blinked and Oliver did the same.

I was crazy. Yes, I was aware of that but Oliver was crazier. We were at his house on our fifth date in one week–you see what I meant? He was crazy and it was nice.

Behind all of those crazy tattoos, he was a man with an IQ of 12.

I snickered when I thought about it and he narrowed his eyes at me.

"That IQ test was fucking fake!" He threw his hand into the air in frustration and I shrugged.

"I mean, I don't know what you mean" I shrugged again, looking at my nails daintily

"You got 260! How is that possible?" His face was turning red and I laughed.

"Of course! Typical man! Get angry that there's proof that I'm smarter than you are!" I pushed further and he glared at me before he ripped the plate of chocolate cake out of my hands.

"Awww! I'm sorry you're not smart, Oli. I really am!" I pressed my palm to my chest and he groaned before he began to laugh.

"I hate you" he nudged me and began to eat my cake!

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