
My sword is strange, am i a conductor?

The Lost Crown

Chapter 5:

"If you want to protect everyone around you, abandon your humanity."

The next day, we went back to the organization and got my reward, the reward was five hundred thousand units.

- What ?! That all? - I asked, gaping at the value.

"Of course, you crazy, you completed a S-Rank mission," replied Arthuro.

- Wow, with that I can buy even a huge house.

- Exactly.

- What do you spend your Arthuro units on?

- Ah, well I give part of my units to the orphanage where I grew up.

- Wow, you really are a good person, take it.

- You are crazy? I cannot accept two hundred thousand units, the money is yours that you made with sacrifice.

"Don't worry, if that's the case, I can get a lot more, but for now accept this, please," I begged him to accept.

- T-ok, I'll donate everything, and thank you! I've never seen a person like you, give units like that to someone.

- Relax, I don't have much to spend, I think I'll just buy a new armor.

I went with Sílvia to do shopping in the city, and the capital was very big, I am going to buy some things for her, while I was walking around the capital I saw that many species were in harmony, general it was not like this where I come from, I am happy that so be it, so we went to a store with a lot of things, but I've been thinking about one thing, since I'm with Silvia, I think it's better to buy a house, I can't leave it in the organization.

Meanwhile, in a distant place ...

- Is it true that a mercenary has completed a S Rank mission? Asked an unknown being.

"It seems so," answered another being.

- It's not interesting? Asked Sylas

"It looks like an interesting human has appeared," said another unknown being.

"I think I'd better go and introduce myself to him, and I also need to take care of things," said Sylas.

In the capital of Tera ...

I went to buy things that Sílvia liked, so I bought plushies and dolls, at dusk I went to the place where I sold houses, there were houses with prices ranging from 80 me units to 3 million units, so I talked to a sales promoter and he indicated a house with a price of 150 thousand for two people to be able to live comfortably, I saw the interior of the house and it was beautiful, it had two bedrooms and had two floors, with a balcony on the top floor with a view of the whole city, besides being a place where there are only residents, then it wouldn't be too noisy.

- So Silvia, did you like this one?

She nodded, saying yes.

"Then let's take this one," I said to the prosecutor.

- Okay, so from today you are the owners of this wonderful house - said the prosecutor - Here are the keys - he offered me right away.

As soon as I took the keys, my eyes lit up, it was the first time I had my own house, it seemed that Silvia was very happy too, so for me without any problems, when we entered the house Silvia ran straight to her room and I was visualizing while I was, everything was beautiful.

I did not regret even spending these units, in addition there were 148 thousand units left, a lot left, I will save it so I can buy things we need, at dusk I went to the organization to get my things.

- Silvia, lock the door and don't open it for anyone, I have another key so I won't have to knock, can you be all right?

- Yes, big brother, don't worry, I won't open the door.

- Be right back.

So I went to the organization to pick up my things from the accommodation, but by chance I got lost. I was walking around the city, until the night there were a lot of people, and it was very bright, I spent a long time looking for the organization, until I saw Arthuro leaving a place.

- Hey! Arthuro! What are you doing here? - I asked.

- Ah, I went to give the units to the orphanage and was already returning to the organization.

- Is it? How nice! I had lost myself, because I needed to go and get my things.

- Hey, you weren't there and where is that child?

- I decided to buy a small house, because I can't live with it in the organization.

- Ah, I see, it really would be complicated.

We arrived at the organization, so I went to the accommodation to get my purse, today it was less noisy, that's a good thing, I think Arthuro is one of the residents of the organization, so I left soon, this time I couldn't get lost.

As I approached my house I smelled burning, so I ran in a way that I arrived in a few moments, when I opened the door Silvia was in the kitchen trying to make food, it was a relief not to see my house on fire, so I went to the kitchen and the Silvia ran towards me and hugged me.

- Big Brother! Look, I made food, it's the first time I made food - said Silvia, all happy.

- Oh, really? So how about we taste it?

- Yes! - Silvia shook her head.

So we sat down at the table and put our food on the plate, as soon as we put the food in our mouth, the taste was horrible.

- Mee, hahahahah! - I started to laugh.

- Kakakaka - laughed Silvia of her own food.

As bad as the food was, we ate anyway making faces, in fact it was a very special food for me, even if it wasn't good, we laughed a lot, when we got up brushed our teeth and went to sleep, when taking Silvia to her room she told me:

- Brother, can I sleep with you today? I'm afraid to sleep alone.

- Oh, sure.

So she slept next to me in my bed, she slept clinging to me, before I realized it early morning, I woke up first to train a little, and then I went in to prepare coffee, while I was making coffee Silvia woke up and came full sleep with only one shirt of mine that got huge on it.

- Good Morning, brother.

- Good morning little sister, are you hungry?

- Yes! - said Silvia happily.

So we had breakfast and together we went to the mercenary organization, today I saw almost nobody in the organization and I decided to ask Arthuro.

- What happened? Where is everybody? - I asked confused.

- Today there was a meeting in the council of mercenaries and the majority went.

- I understand ... But why, what happened?

- There was a problem on the Markind continent, the beasts of the dark continent are said to have advanced and destroyed many cities there.

- The dark continent?

- Are you did not know? They say it is ruled by a lich king who went crazy after his wife was taken away by something, so he went crazy and killed everyone in his kingdom, in his death a curse was put on his grave and he was resurrected like a giant skeleton, and now he rules the beasts of that continent, but until today you never know how to get there - explained Arthuro who was shivering, he was very tense and to mention about the advice.

- Wow, how crazy, I hope nothing happens here, in fact why didn't you go? - I asked.

- Ah, only people over 5 as a mercenary can participate.

- Understand.

- I'm scared - said Silvia holding me tight.

- Don't worry, your brother is here to protect you, I'm strong - I said with a huge smile on my face.

I went to the mission panel and had some interesting ones, but today I'm going to make it easier and faster, I can't leave Silvia alone so I need one that I can finish quickly.

"This one is perfect," he said as he took the pamphlet.

The mission was Rank C and it was also very close, as soon as I saw Sheyla leaving her office I asked her:

- Sheyla, can you take care of Silvia please?

- Hmm ... But don't delay, you can leave it to me - Sheyla said with a slightly frowning face.

What I needed was to defeat a Trunko [1], it will be very easy, their habitat is in a rocky area near the city gate, they are very strong but it will not be a problem for me, so I took my sword and left for the mission .

1 - [Author's notes: Trunko are creatures invented by us, they are basically a giant biped bull with two horns, they can reach 3 to 6 meters, they have a weapon similar to swords but they are made of stones, and also they follow instinct rather than thinking rationally.]

When I left the capital gate, I turned left, and followed a river that connected to a forest, further in there was a small village, they seemed to be the Fraukets [2], they are very friendly, maybe I should go there and ask for information, so I arrived in the village, all the Fraukets that were there ran towards a hut that was in the middle of the village, as soon as I approached a Frauket came out and seemed to be the elder, in all Fraukets villages they have an elder from the village, she came towards me as I walked towards it.

2 - [Author's notes: Fraukets are magical humanoid beings, they have reptile-like skin and are bipedal, generally not aggressive, but there are cases where some Fraukets go crazy and end up getting aggressive, Fraukets believe in the elders of their villages, who believe they have the power to see the future.]

As soon as I got close to the old woman she said with her cane pointed at me.

- Accompany me to the cabin, young man, I was waiting for you all this time.

- A-ah, fine.

Upon entering her hut, there was a kind of firewood in the middle and other magical things around, the resident Fraukets were waiting outside, it seems that she wants to tell me some prophecy, since that is the gift of the Fraukets elders.

- Nice to meet you, young man, my name is Marauda, young man.

- My name is Raynard, how come you were expecting me? - I asked.

- In the prophecy I saw that you would come to us, that was 2 years ago.

- 2 years ago?! That was when I fell in the temple - I thought to myself - I understand, but what is special about waiting for me? - I asked right after.

An air of mystery was left in the air, while the wood was burning, she looked into my eyes reflecting the green flames of the wood, so she held my hand and closed her eyes, until she opened her eyes wide looking at me, as if I were something valuable and dangerous.

- Young man, I see your destiny, stained with blood and disaster, I also see valuable friends who will follow you to the end of the world if necessary, but I also see what you are and the danger that awaits you.

- Danger waiting for me?

- Yes, I cannot give you the answer, you will have to look for your answer, young man, but be careful not to go towards the darkness, I see a great light in you, but I also see a calm dark sea, it can stir one day.

At this point I started to sweat cold, the sweat was falling from my forehead, but I wasn't afraid of myself or anything, the first thing I thought about was to hurt innocent people.

- Do not worry old lady, I will never be corrupted, but I do not understand, why I have such a destiny, since I almost died things have changed completely.

- Young man, you reincarnated as one of the aspects that exist in this world, you are the aspect of peace, you will one day find the answer, but it will not be here, I also do not know how to give you the answer, but I tell you something, do not be corrupted young man, I see you on a pile of bodies.

- Aspects? So that old man called Izigon was also one? - I asked.

- Ooh, young man, did you know Izigon? He is the aspect of the mind, he is a very powerful being and he even compares himself to a deity, you seem to be very special for himself to appear to you.

- Hmm, aspect of the mind ... I also knew the aspect of protection, it saved my life once.

- Ah, so you met Mr. Sig Wald, we met once, he was a very charismatic person.

For a moment I completely forgot what I have to do. I need to get back to Silvia soon, otherwise she will be very upset because I was late.

- Madam, I need to go ahead, I have to complete an important mission.

- You need to defeat Trunko don't you? Just go ahead and you'll see a field without trees, that's where they are.

So I hurried and said goodbye to the old woman, I went towards the field that she spoke about.

- "This young man is really very interesting." Thought Marauda.

As soon as I arrived in the field, there were several Trunkos, I would have to kill a special Trunko, he was like their boss, so I could identify him and he had to have a stone like a crystal in the middle of his breasts, so I had to fight with them who were there until the boss showed up, there wouldn't be much work but the problem is he doesn't show up, so just with my fists I increased my class a bit and fought against them, incredibly each punch of mine threw him away making him pass out immediately , many came towards me I dodged all their attacks with their stone swords, so I took the sword from one of them and broke many of them in half. They say that by killing many of them the boss ends up showing up with the smell of their blood, I spent 10 minutes killing them, then the boss showed up.

In this one that the boss appeared, he feels the same presence two years ago in the trees, but I couldn't see anyone, before I could realize the boss Trunko came towards me, I quickly had to dodge.

"Humf, he almost caught me with his horns," I thought.

For some reason this creature had a different coloration than the bosses, it was purple that seemed to be bigger than all the ones I have seen, it seemed to measure around 8 meters, it also had horns on its shoulders, while I was lost in my thought he roared.


The aura that I felt before seemed to have a trace of it in Chief Trunko, I didn't know that aura, so I pulled out my sword, I felt the ghastly power of that creature, it looked like he was being manipulated, his eyes were purely black, so he started at me with his stone gun, he was so fast that there was only time for me to defend, while he was blocking his attack it felt like his strength was increasing so he threw me away.

- Good thing we are in an open field, if I would have no trouble getting around, I can't use my magic here, if it wouldn't set the whole forest on fire, I'll have to fight in brute force - I thought.

"We can do this together, partner," said a strange voice out of nowhere.

- I don't remember coming with someone ...

- Look at your stupid hand!

Hang on! is that voice coming from my sword? Nanano doesn't already have a lot going on, now a sword to speak is too much to ask. I refuse to believe that a sword can communicate with me.

- I don't have time for games! Whoever is doing this reveals himself - Although I don't feel anyone's aura.

- Don't play dumb donkey, I'm your sword, you lunatic!

At that moment I looked slowly at my hands and heard my sword talking to me, dropped it on the floor on a shelf, and walked away.

- What are you doing, bitch? If you let me go you will die, come here now and we will fight together, as you always did.

- NOOO I REFUSE! He said aloud with his eyes closed.

- Mané is coming soon, he's coming. Fast!

- Shit!

As predicted, I ran and took the sword that had been with me for many years, I couldn't imagine it speaking, so me and the purple Trunko fought our fight, for some reason he was out of control and I couldn't understand why, I knew that something was wrong and that it all has something to do with that different aura that I felt, but I had to focus on my mission, in fact I can't keep Silvia waiting.

- Mané, do that technique, you know which one I'm talking about.

- Right - I replied - For some reason, I understand what she is thinking and feeling - I thought to myself.

- "Lunar Cut!"

This time unfortunately I won't be able to add it with the fire, but I'm sure this is enough to kill him, the silhouette of the moon went towards Trunko, he tried to defend with his weapon, but he was not strong enough to stop my attack.

1 year ago...

- Okay, I think that after several attempts I think I can cut this easy metal with the Lunar Cut that I improved.

When I carried out my attack, the metal pillar in front of me disappeared, I finally felt that I could really progress more and more and become much stronger, so that I can reach my goals.


When I looked at Trunko it was split in half, along with the entire frontal area that was in front of me, when I approached Trunko's body I took his stone from his chest, that item was what I could exchange for the reward, but at the touching the stone, it shone brightly red, I couldn't see the glare but when I opened my eyes the stone was gone.

- Queeeeeeeeee !! How will I get the mission reward !!! - I screamed so loudly that the birds around flew off the trees - I'm fucked now - he said taking a deep breath and exhaling.

I will go back and explain myself in the organization.

"Hey, bitch, I feel something different inside you," said the sword.

- As well?

- I don't know, something about you has changed.

- Um ... I don't feel anything different, and DON'T TALK ABOUT NOTHING YOU STILL SCARE ME!

- Okay ... Whatever.

While walking through the forest coming back the same way, behind a waterfall I saw a being never seen, it seemed to be a translucent shape, but it was green and shone around, he came flying to me and said: - Peace, don't damage my forest like that ... You have the ability to fight without causing destruction ... - said the being with an echo.

As soon as he said that I was paralyzed, and out of nowhere it disappeared like smoke.

- Stranger things are happening every day, and how did he know I was an aspect? - I said in a low voice.

At this moment I touched myself, I was one of the aspects, and do not leave my mind everything that elderly Marauda told me, as soon as I went to the village to go back on my way, there was nothing there but trees, I was not understanding anything.

- How is that possible, here was a small village, how did it disappear like that? I'm sure it was here.

- Calm man, you don't know anything right? Certainly they were here, but as soon as they complete their objective they disappear like ghosts, the Fraukets have this journey and spiritualism thing, maybe their objective was to tell you those things.

- Now I understand, now everything makes sense, but sword, how do you know all this?

- I exist for generations, and I've been through this many times ...

The sword said that very clearly, and it seems he was sad, out of nowhere he stopped talking and didn't give a "tweet" when I got back to the capital.

- Aaah, now how am I going to explain myself to them? - I wondered.

Upon arriving at the organization, I went to the salon to deliver the mission reward, but I would have to explain myself to the head of the organization Ron, the stone for delivering and collecting the reward is gone.

- As soon as I touched the stone it shone brightly, when I opened my eyes it disappeared.

- Interesting ... Do you feel any difference in your body? Asked Ron.

- I don't know, I don't think I feel anything.

- Make some movement, run, jump, hit, do something.

So I did I jumped and it was a normal jump for me, I also ran and my speed was normal, so I decided to punch in the air, when I punched I felt my punch making a huge pressure in the air, thus creating a different atmosphere in living room.

- Ham? But what was that? - I thought.

- So you noticed something different? Asked old Ron.

- Yes, it seems that my strength is different, stronger?

- As I thought, you are a boy driver.

- Conductor?

- Yes, a conductor are those who are born with the gift of being able to acquire magic through another person, so taking that person's magic, as with you, a conductor he is not born with magic and it seems that they have a restriction of being able to use just that attribute he took, or he discards and takes another attribute from someone else.

- What? Aren't they born with magic? But how? I was born purely magical, so there was no way I could be a driver.

- Are you purely magical? If drivers are already rare, then how do you exist? I've never heard of a purely magical driver.

As soon as he said that, I really felt something different inside me, but what was it? I have no idea.

- Boy, you are a rare case, you are a formidable person, it is amazing how someone like you exists, I am happy to have you at Mercenarie's End, forget to hand me the item, take your reward here. -He gave me 50 thousand units and a stone to reinforce an item in the blacksmith, when I left the room I went to Sheyla to see how Silvia was doing.

"Look at the plane," Sheyla said to Silvia.

When I opened the door, I saw the two of them playing with dolls, so I just watched that scene. I knew that Sheyla was a nice woman, but maybe she doesn't show much, so I went to Arthuro to talk to him, when I went to main hall Arthuro was drinking too much, so I decided to ask him:

- Arthuro, shouldn't the boss attend the meeting too?

"Aaah, don't put your head down, he's always azim, never come to reuniaum," said Arthuro, his tongue curled and drunk.

- I think I understand.

So I sat next to him and started drinking with him, not as mercenaries, but as two friends.

- Raynardji ... You know, voice is a great partner, I knew you were a special guy - said Arthuro while having his hands on my shoulders.

- You are also a great friend Arthuro, you met me at a time when I had my head lost.

- There is no need to parze-ro.

While we were drinking I looked at my sword and saw that it was a little different, I didn't notice it before but it was more polished and new, I think there was an event and I didn't notice it, when she wants to talk to me again I will ask her a lot of things, at dusk I saw that Arthuro couldn't even walk properly, so I decided to carry him to his room to rest.

- Hey, Raynardji, let's be good friends man.

- Of course ... I'm sure we are already great friends Arthuro - she said while smiling at him.

Before I could realize Arthuro blacked out of nowhere, then snuck out and went to the room where Silvia was with Sheyla.

- Brother! - said Silvia running hugging me.

- Sheyla, thank you very much for taking care of Silvia.

- There is not that, whenever I need it I will take care of it - Sheyla said with a slight half-laugh - And you are a rag, it is a matter of changing - he said right after.

- Ah, that, because I faced someone with problems - I said smiling with a hand scratching the back of the neck.

So we went to our house and I took a shower, after Silvia took hers, I prepared our food and we had dinner, the sink was a mess so I asked Silvia to go to bed while I washed the dishes, in fact it was already very late, so I finished washing the dishes, I went to the room but when I got there I didn't see Silvia - Oh you little brat, come back here - she had hidden behind the door and hit me with the pillow, so I took another one and we started fighting with the pillows until we get tired and fall into bed exhausted, we laugh a lot while lying down, we keep telling jokes until sleep comes.

- Big brother, I never want this to end.

- Not me either, I'll protect you forever, so don't worry.

- I know, I ... Love you ... Big brother ... - Silvia said, closing her eyes vaguely.

- I love you too, little sister. - Said when Silvia fell asleep.

Next chapter