
9. N is For......

Damien and Janice spent the first night in there apartment, only to sleep in separate rooms. Janice slid out of Naomi's bed into the master bedroom, trying not to wake up Damien. She grabbed her outfit and took her shower to get ready for her doctors appointment.

Going back into the bedroom, Damien sat up on the bed.

"Good morning Jay." He yawned and rubbed his eyes.

"Good morning Mr.Nguyen." She laughed.

Damien came up behind Janice, wrapping his arms around her belly and kissed her neck, causing a little moan to escape Janice's lips.

Damn hormones. She thought to herself as she dropped her towel and turned to interlock her lips in Damien's.

"Wait." Janice pulled away, "My appointment is in like 10 minutes. These hormones are getting the best of me and we really need to get going."

"So I'm just going to have to deal with blue balls." He snapped.

"No, I'm not that mean." Janice bite her bottom lip and got down on her knees, tending to Damien's hard member.


Janice bit into her bagel covered in Nutella and banana slices, smacking her lips. Damien looked over at the Nutella covering her cheek.

"That mess looks like shit." He laughed.

"But it doesn't taste like shit so the look doesn't matter to me." She bit off another piece of her bagel, "So I was thinking of a baby name that starts with N again."

Damien rolled his eyes, "What were you thinking of?"

"For a boy, I was thinking Nehemiah, Nevin or Naavar. For a girl, Nova, Nadia, Nayla or Neveah. And don't roll your eyes. You should have some input in naming this one." She swallowed and bit again.

"Can he at least have my last name this time?" He pulled into Dorchester General Hospital.

She shook her head side to side, "No. Your last name is not up for discussion, sorry. That's why I wanted names that started with N's because both our last names start with N."

"Janice, at least think on it." He parked into the closet spot he thought he could find.

"Damien, no. I'm not going to think about it. How do I know you'll actual know how to act this time? That you'll actually stay in he or she's life? Why would I make Naomi feel like she's less important to you because she has my last name? Last names are too big a step for you." She unbuckled her seat belt, pulled herself out of the car and peeked her head back in, "And me."

"I'll meet you in there then Jay." He sighed and she closed the door.

The front doors slid open and Janice walked up to the receptionist, "Hi. I have an appointment. Janice Neal."

She typed and scrolled, typed and scrolled at least five times before Janice actually realized that she wasn't even searching for her appointment.

"Hello ma'am? I said I had an appointment." She snapped.

The women rolled her eyes, "Ultrasound or what?"

"Yes, so where do I go?" Janice sighed.

"You go somewhere that they do prenatal care. We don't have a birthing center here so we don't do those." The women snapped and kept typing, "You may have made an appointment at the health department down the street."

Janice walked back out to the parking lot, searching for Damien's car but no car in sight. She called, one ring then voicemail.

Really Damien? She shook her head in dismay and sighed, starting to walk down the street to the health department.

The Health Department didn't seem too healthy when Janice walked in the sliding doors as she held her back and leaned over the desk.

"I just walked here, my feet and back are killing me. I'm hoping this is where I made my appointment at because if not, I want one right now please." She pulled over a chair and laid down on the desk.

"Are you Janice? Sonogram appointment, correct?" She chewed on some loud, fruity gum.

"Yes. I'm Janice. Now please, can I see a doctor?" Janice rubbed her back.

She chewed her gum some more and went to the back. She returned with a wheelchair and a light skin, beautiful male doctor.

"Hello Janice. I'm Dr. Jayash. I'm looking forward to our appointment. I just need you to fill out these papers before we start."

Dr. Jayash watched as she filled out her papers and she evenly stacked them, handing them back to him.

"Okay Janice, you can lean back on the table and we can begin. First, how far along are you? Just a rough estimation." He asked.

She took a deep sign, "Today marks about four months."

"And who were you seeing for prenatal care before you came here?" He scrunched up his face, looking through the papers.

"Nobody." She chuckled, "I just found out last month, I've been moving and haven't really found the time."

"Well, that's not good." Dr. Jayash shook his head in disappointment, "Let's check on the baby now. You mind pulling up your shirt and unbuttoning your pants?"

Janice did as told and leaned back against the table back. Dr. Jayash poured the gel on her tiny bump causing her to clinched with chills.

"I saw that you had another baby on your papers. A little girl? Did you want to know the gender of this one?" He asked.

"Yeah, Naomi. I was hoping for a boy this time, maybe. But another girl, I wouldn't mind." Janice laughed and watched him as he ran across her belly.

"Okay, so let's see what you're having. Your baby is pretty active to be so young but I think I can pin point to tell you. Here we are." He chewed his bottom lip a little, "Congratulations Janice. It's a girl."

"Nova." She whispered, "Thank you Dr. Jayash." Her eyes went wet with tears.

"My pleasure Janice. I'll snap a few pictures for you, you can get them from Ariel when you leave and don't forget to make another appointment with us."

He gently wiped the gel off of Janice and helped her down the table.

"Janice, I am very concerned about the baby's size. She's quite small to be four months. Make sure that you're taking your Prenatal vitamins every day and your nutrition is together." He opened the exam room door and followed Janice out.

Her eyes wandered about the little pictures of "Nova," until she found herself outside, with no ride.

She tried Damien's phone again. Ring. Voicemail.

Janice googled a taxi company around and called a ride..

"I swear I'm going to fuck this bitch up when I get home."

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