
The Dating Game, Part 2

"Oh, Master! How I love you so!" The Elf-Knight proclaimed, her words, her voice, deeply entrenched in the embrace she held her master close. "If you would forgive me of this impudence, this transgression of my pledge to you. If you would truly permit this avarice, this undeserving desire of mine to pass… then let me stand by your side your loyal Knight no longer! Please, let me be yours, Master!" 

There was a pause, a shared moment of a tender kiss between Master and Servant, Man and Woman, one that which the Elf-Knight clung to as long as she could. 

"Your lips, Master," the Elf whispered, a light breathless quiver in her voice. "I never imagined them so warm, I—" 

Ash leaned away from the mic, furrowing her brows at the lines given to her on a sheet of paper. 

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