
Going The Distance

Against all odds and defying the very fickle threads of fate itself, it has come to my attention that the shoot was apparently resuming production at once. 

From what I could gather, it was Amanda who brought about the great return of the Director from his thirty-minute-long self-exile from showbiz.

I'd say I'm shocked, but c'mon, we're talking about Amanda here. One way or another, she was always going to get her way in the end. There's just simply no denying her if she wants something bad enough. 

A film adaptation of her favorite game starring her in a main lead? Yeah, there's no unrolling that ball no matter what. Sisyphus eat your heart out.

When the news initially broke out, Mom was the first person they sought out thus bringing our conversation to an abrupt halt. Apparently, she needed to be prepped again. Some darker shadows around her eyes, sleeker curls over her shoulders, that sort of thing. As if she even needed those extra touches. 

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