
God-Given Solution

My left pocket suddenly started to rumble. 

And right there, fishing through the soft cashmere linings of my suit, I was given the grave reminder that I really shouldn't be where I was right then.

That, right now, I was actually supposed to be someone else, somewhere else. Miles and miles away. 

"Someone needs their star back on set?" Sammy asked, guessing right. She walked past me, unhitching Lyn from the post, and began leading her away by her bridle. "I'll go put Lyn back into her stable. Meet at the barn when you're done, and we'll head right back there. Oh, say bye to Lyn before we go. One last pat, c'mon." 

Lyn smushed her entire face into my palm bidding goodbye; becoming a sadder, more depressing sight the further Sammy pulled her away. But I couldn't linger on farewells for long.

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