
A Sudden Start

Times like these, almost wish I was colorblind. Not sure if I've said that already, but yeah, these girls were making the blessing of being able to perceive different wavelengths of light seem more like a harrowing curse. 

They were nice enough, an interesting bunch for sure… but if only they stopped probing at my relationships every single time we came across each other, I might just learn to love their three-part act a little more than I do at the present. 

"Fine, I'll work on it. Make it a new year, a new me, and all that, alright?" I said to them, wanting nothing more than to cut this interrogation short. "Save all this sleuthing and snooping of yours for some actual police work instead." 

Blue challenged that statement with a look, her brows mockingly furrowed. "Got no clue what you're talking about. Far as we know, we already have an open ongoing investigation standing here right in front of us. Biggest case yet." 

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