
A Burning Memory, Part 3

"What is death?" Ria pondered to the class, cocking her head all around, searching for an answer in either of our faces. "Or if you wanna go even deeper, get more existential - then what is dying? Well? Anyone?" 

No one raised their hands, of course… and I highly doubt she was even expecting an actual answer. 

"This was the same exact question Torem and Silas posed to themselves day one of their long, prosperous collaboration. If they could find an answer, even the tiniest slice of one, perhaps it'd be the headway they needed to pave the way to grander questions. But one mystery at a time first. Let's discuss dying. What happens when a person dies? Okay, this is an easy one - c'mon now, anyone?" 

"They die," I answered. 

Ria beamed.

"Ten points, Slytherin." 

I'm Slytherin?

Next chapter