
Side Chapter: A Fling Of The Past

It was almost perfect. 

With 'almost' being the ultimate party pooper of what could have been and should have been the greatest, best-est, Christmas gift that's ever been gifted.

But it seems as if Santa does his care package drops in mysterious ways. Went and just plopped the most beautiful woman he's ever laid eyes upon right beside him, but then also went and made her quite the nosy-knower of things that needn't of her nosy-knowing shenanigans.

Why couldn't things just be perfectly perfect? No 'almost's, no 'but's, and definitely no 'who was she?'s to have to explain.

He didn't really see a point to it anyway.

"Kinda weird question for you to just ask outta nowhere," He snorted, snapping another stale chunk of the brownies into his mouth, trying to fill it up with more than just words.

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