
Delving Through Regrets, Part 8

"While everyone else was honed for battle, I was kept sheltered, trapped in my powerlessness, and every single day I was made aware of the fact. One day, against my mother's wishes, I took her sword. I wanted to try, I wanted to be strong. It was so easy everybody, surely it couldn't be that hard, right? I do not remember much of what happened afterward, I just knew that ever since that day… this cane over here has to stay in my hand wherever I go.

"I was understandably quite bitter in my younger years. I despised everything, everyone, blinded by my own hatred that I couldn't see that my mother only wanted the best for me. One day, she was called away to be thrust into the brunt of battle to impel an assault by Terestra. It was during the time of Leonardo's long absence. I hated that she could go, I hated that I had to stay. Among the old, among the young, while everyone else took up arms, to be allowed to fulfill their lifelong purpose." 

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