
Delving Through Regrets, Part 6

I almost wish I was dreaming right about now. 

When that scene faded, when the muffled whimpers and the frail, pitiful figures before my eyes had imploded into silencing wisps of black vapor… how relieving it'd be if that was my consciousness just springing awake, and I was still in bed lying warm and snug… crusty eyes staring bleared and dumb out into the cold light of a day that has yet to be. 

A day to look forward to…

But then the vapors would continue to swim and dance in a sea of its pitch darkness, trapping me in this perpetual nightmare… one memory after the other… harrowing memories that would come and go as they felt like it. 

Yet that last one in particular, however… it stayed with me even as it long dissolved into the misty void.

Never in a million years could I ever imagine Amelia saying those words the way she did. I could feel her dread - the panic and sadness blasting through all sense of self-restraint as if it were my own. 

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