
Love And Care

I think we might have worn down the blades of our ice skates by just how long we spent doing laps around the ice alone.

If that was the case, the rental-guy obviously hadn't noticed a thing when it came time for us to return them. I also definitely wasn't sticking around for him to finally snap out from his phone-scrolling trance. 

Slow and merry, basking in the euphoric afterglow of a time-well enjoyed, we returned to the central nucleus of all the park's dizzying liveliness.

More stalls have opened up in our time spent away, more flashy, riveting attractions for people to flock toward, and it seemed midday was around the time half the city's population pretty much just drop whatever they were doing to celebrate this festive occasion as one wholesome communion. 

Wholesome, indeed. But in our case, wholesome doesn't really bode well when it comes with a hefty side of commotion. 

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