
A Spiraling Plan

Convince Adalia to consider asking her sister to come join in this debauchery that is human festivities—as Amelia herself would have undoubtedly put it. 

Sounds easy enough, I suppose. 

Still, playing wingman, huh? Not exactly how I foresaw this evening going, but I suppose it's also true I possess the foresight of your average toddler fiddling with an electrical socket, so anything goes really. At this point… I'm just rolling with the punches. 

"Leave it to me," I declared confidently to the beaten and downtrodden Tyler, who was at a second away from falling to his knees and smooching my feet, professing his undying gratitude to me if I hadn't kept him at back with a gentle but firm, "No promises anything will happen though." 

But that did nothing to dishearten him in any way.

"It's you we talkin' bout, Big Man, you for real?" He smiled, grabbing a hard, confident hold on my shoulder. "I have all the faith of the fuckin' Pope right here." 

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