
Full House

I could feel the sinking pressure of all hell on the brink of breaking loose walking the dreaded walk towards the constant thumping and thudding of my front door.

It felt like they were a horde of zombies trying to claw their way in from the other side and here I was, about to open the door for them and let them right in. Oh well, zombies deserve Christmas too, I suppose. 

"Hey, there he is! The man, the myth, the legendary legend!" Much like a zombie for sure, the exact moment I swung the handle, I was immediately pounced on, got snared into a quick bear hug that definitely fractured bits of my spine. "Long time no see, amirite?! Hoo, you look good, man! Real good! Are those muscles I feel on ya? Been on that grind, I see, ey?" 

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