
An Elf's Tale, Part 42

"By the way, Tilina…" the sound of all three of their trudging footsteps across the hallway came to a halt. Wilvur spun around, a mild draft blowing from the gap in the closed doors behind him. "Should I truly address what's still left unsaid, or would you rather be the one to do so instead?" 

The crimson-haired knight almost seemed to shrink in size, movements and expressions made all the more obvious by her contrasting colors against the blue-rimmed walls. 

"I… Master, I fear I…" 

"Very well, allow me to address it then," Wilvur spoke over her, his lips forming an empty smile. "Indulge me, what were you doing trying to murder my Servant days before she would be my Knight? How did you happen to believe that would benefit me in any way?" 

"It was an accident. A misjudgment, Master!" Tilina explained, a rising panic in her voice failing to be stifled. "I've only intended to assess her skills… truly, I did. But it escalated… and I… I lost myself…" 

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