
A Mild Warm Up

Irene won.

A complete and utter slippery landslide sliding her all the way to victory. 

I mean - who's surprised? Who's shocked? Who's calling this a plot twist? Of course she won. 

Was there ever even any doubt at all in the first place? 

The only sliver of hope, or any prospect of success I had for myself was surviving for as long as I could… but alas, it seems a lone survivor I was not. 

It truly was quite a comforting thought knowing that if WW3 was just right around the corner at some point, I'd be right on top of the list of confirmed casualties.

The first round started off well enough - had myself bunkering down inside a big empty crate with some good line of sights on either end, staying out of the unceasing crossfire as best I could 'cause outside it looks as if Irene had garnered a strong vendetta against poor green for some reason.

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