
Unorthodox Solution, Part 1

"Always the one for surprises, aren't you?" Mom said, more amused than surprised upon seeing the same dark, sullen figure suddenly appearing, kneeling down before me. "Really, I didn't expect you for another ten… fifteen minutes. You haven't fed, haven't slept… mmm well, in any case, I'm happy to know your skills haven't waned in the slightest."

And with a welcoming expression, Mom fully turned around to greet her proper.

"Welcome back, Adalia."

The figure remained silent, staring at me. It was almost as if she couldn't hear her - dripping wet, her pale skin partly covered in grime. It also was like staring at a pair of crystal balls - the way her eyes swirled and fogged - always so murky, so empty, and yet, so slowly, they began to shimmer.

A silvery cascade of hair was spilling onto my clothes, more and more, the frills of her dress, the chill of her breath, with every inch she drew nearer. 

That's when I found my voice again.

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