
A Final Chance

Maybe he was trying to pull something out of me. 

His words, on a loop, like an annoying song you hear everywhere you go, on the radio, the television, the morning alarm on your sister's phone. Annoying, aggravating, just makes you wanna punch your hand through the wall or something.

'Not doing enough', he told me. Speaking so high and mighty in his nigh omnipotency, and yet refusing to practice what he himself preached… pouring salt to the open wound, kicking me down while I'm already barely able to stand, instead of pulling me up and dusting me off. 

But maybe that was the point. Maybe that was his way of offering a helping hand. That's valid enough reasoning, isn't it? For saying what he did? 

Deliberately piss me off, pour some gasoline to my withering, waning flame, maybe he was trying to spur me into pulling off a goddamn miracle. I'd like to think that. In retrospect, it does sound like something he'd do. 

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