
Our Moment, Part 3 (R-18)

Touching, stroking, caressing, on and on, an end nowhere in sight nor an end a single instance ever once desired.

This moment, this quiet moment… a single thought, a single want, from the way we stared deeply in each other's gazes… and that want was a forever, an eternity consisting of this, and only this - only us.

Yet obviously, such a thing wasn't possible. Eventually, in time oh so unfortunately short, soon the night would fade back into day, and this moment would go with it, then it was back to business once again, back to a struggle wrought with worries and doubts aplenty, back to a moment that was not exactly as pleasant…

But that was the after, the far future… and this right here, this was the now, the present, existing solely for us and thought it may have its end, that doesn't mean it couldn't last…

Every second with her, every moment I touched her, kissed her, loved her… I will make them last.

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