
Fact vs Fiction, Part 1

"Morning, darling!" 

Louder than loud, sweeter than sweet, so much so, that the speakers on my phone could barely even handle it. 

Then there I spoke, my tone the exact polar opposite, greeting her back with, "Morning, Amanda…"

Regardless, the soft cooing noises I heard meant she was utterly delighted to hear me all the same even if I did sound a little dead inside.

"So this hour marks day one of our time apart from each other," She said, sniveling and whimpering, lamenting out loud presumably alone in her room. "Oh, each passing hour an eternity's yearning ever stronger to see your face, for a day without your touch, is like the earth without its sun. So dark, so cold... and oh, so alone."

Then as if on cue, I felt the wind of the open fields blow so chilly and strong over me. Guess Mother Nature had a flair for the dramatic.

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