
Old Habits

"A few hours of rest is what he needs now. It isn't my best work, but you won't need my best if you really believe in your abilities, yes? The ward buys you a generous two days. 'Till then, you won't have much to worry about. That is unless you take too long… but I'm positive you won't even need that long now, will you?"

Ah yes, Mom's most favorite hobby right next to scouting google for the newest, cheesiest romance movies. I recognized that look, that air in her tone, and most especially that smile.

Goading me, teasing me. When I claimed I was big enough to handle the horses myself, it's what she did. When I said I could prepare my own meals, she said something awfully familiar. When I announced my big move to the city, I remembered her smiling the same way too.

Now here I am, and there she was, saying, smiling, all over again. Notice a pattern? 

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