
Selfish Request

Keeping steady, I followed the dirt path back to home, and as I did, I took in the view. Didn't have a chance to really take the notion in before, but I really was home.

The broken tractor in the plains still gathering rust and cobwebs after all this time. The raggedy scarecrow amidst the corn stalks that had the adverse effect than intended, and ended up being instead a nest for a couple of feathered freeloaders in its tattered uniform. Chickens broke loose out of their coop again, even from where I was walking, I could see them scurrying. 

You didn't hear this from me. In fact, pretend you didn't hear this at all. But Dad was a complete failure of a farmer and rancher, despite what he'd tell you. I always thought he was a little scatterbrain in my youth, but now at least I know that clearly his expertise lies completely elsewhere.

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