
Side Chapter: Interview With A Vampire

He gulped. 

What? But how? It was impossible. Gulping's impossible. He's never gulped before in his life! Only pussies do gulping! And he, Tyler Leaden The First, was no pussy. A 110% percent certified manly man.

Except when it came to her. It's only when it's her, it's strange, so strange, like everytime she pops into his mind, which was all the time, well… he gulped again. Why? Hell if he knows, probably just past trauma, right? I mean, makes sense, right? She did scare the absolute shit of him when they first met. Seriously, didn't only bats snarl like that? Did the discovery channel lie to him or something? 

Okay, fine - he's a pussy! But he's a proud pussy! Why shouldn't he be? It takes balls to face your fears, but it takes guts to try and date them instead. Now all that's left to do was wait. Big Man said he'll talk to her, and he's been gone an awfully long time… so it must be a really long talk in there. 

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