
Vampire Love

Amanda left the cafe shortly after Sera did, she was only here for her daily visit, and being the person that she was, of course, there was somewhere else she always had to be. 

Sammy wanted, intended to stay actually, vehemently denying worrying about me but yet also simultaneously unable to keep her eyes off me too, but after much insistence, I managed to convince her to have some fun, which Amanda swore she'll have enough of for a lifetime and a half.

A one-on-one with the Internet's number one gal, should be every teenage girl's dream, right?

Anyway, after waving them off from the cafe window, I was left alone on my own, which was fine - usually, when I'm at work, the hours would blur into one another so if you came up and asked me for the time whether it was nine or ten, I'd say 'nien', cause honestly, I wouldn't be able to tell the difference between either one. 

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