
A Quiet Moment, Part 1

It was a quiet moment.

"What do you think, Ash?"

A skittish moment.


Pretty sure it wasn't the least bit necessary for me to spread my arms out like a freakishly elongated bald eagle taking flight, not that slowly spinning a full circle in place like some museum display on a glass swivel was any better either… but I did both anyway cause obviously I would, right? Obviously…

Ash tilted her blank stare, her mushy, strand-y hair following the side of her slant. Her eyes were like searchlights of green, scouring my entire body from head to toe presumably searching for any signs of done-goofery on my part.

After a long while that felt stretched to millenniums, Ash finally asked, "Is this what you'll be wearing for your outing with Lady Irene tonight?"

Could be just me, maybe it wasn't, but did she sound a little stiff finishing those last few words? I really don't know… and what does it really matter now? Just answer the question.

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