
The Final Speech

There was an inversion in the air. A total tone shift. Treading the grounds, marching a step at a time, had a whole different feel to it when he was the one I was walking towards.

To the left, also to the right, there was still evidence leftover of the dual prior strewn across the battlefield. Indents in the sand, outlines of footprints leading further forward, even a few handprints littered about where somebody had taken a stumble many times over.

Wouldn't have minded them so much… if only there weren't so many of them all around, and going off by the pristine state of his attire, I don't think any one of them belonged to Leon too.

Either the other champion, Cliff, didn't know his right foot from his left, or Leon was just that arduous of an opponent. For my sake, I dearly hope it was more of the former than it was the latter. 

But as our distances shortened, and I had a better, closer look… it seemed, sadly, that reality was playing to the contrary. 

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