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<<To the fair maiden in white, who has thoroughly stolen my heart. Though we've met only in a time but brief, and yet alone the stare of your eyes had turn you to a thief. With green eyes that glitter like gems, and your long white hair from whence my craving stems. To you, I may be nothing, I'm sure. But to me, I find that you are all that I adore. The beauty of your grace, alone with words would fail to describe, even in this case, my own words would fail to inscribe.>>

<<I know this may sound conceited, but alas give me a chance, spare time won't you, to steal my heart all over again? Hesistate no longer, and if you must, just call... you'll find I'll always be there for from night till rainfall.< em> 828-230-2289>>

Ash paused, lifting her gaze up from the sheet of paper she had clutched in her hands. "I don't think that last one rhymed very well."

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