
Picture Perfect

"Can I help you?" 

I never realized how an offer of assistance could ever sound the least bit intimidating until I heard them be out of the lips of the biggest, bulkiest staff member in black they got staking out at the entrance. 

"Yes, um… we're on the list I think," I said, then when his bushy eyebrows slanted at me, added in haste, "Friends of Amanda. Amanda Collins? One of the hosts? You know her?"

Seriously, whoever said size doesn't matter clearly has never had someone he had to tiptoe just to make even eye contact with. Then again, I don't suppose that someone was actually referring to height.

Whatever, point still stands.

"'Course I know her," He grunted, staring out his wary hardened eyes at my party I know. "Tell me this - how can I know she knows you?"

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