
The Not-So-Obvious Signs

The drive back home didn't exactly permeate the same vibe as the drive from home. 

On the outside, sure… everything looked the same, everything sounded same - Tyler grooved to his tunes on the radio with that same… uh, 'unique' falsetto voice of his, and I remained tucked at the front, window-watching the city streets go by.

Inside, however, I was an aspiring philosopher in wonder, even more so than I already was. 

You've ever thought about death? Wanna spend an afternoon drive pondering what it's like to lose a loved one? No? You didn't ask? Well, I didn't either! Shut your face. Here, let's get some bubbly apprehension going in the pit of your guts… cause I know just how much you like that shit. You're welcome.

We wheeled past the park again, and in my daze, caught up in my dismal stupor, I already realized too late. Didn't get to look for them again… but all was not lost.

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