
Waking Up

Some instances, rare instances, blood moon in the cloudless sky whilst a solar eclipse darkens the world type of instances... you dream a dream.

A dream so good, so vivid, and such a far cry from the mundane, you never ever want to wake up again.

Good times forever, you think to yourself.

Then, just as the greatest euphoric climax was nigh impending - somebody, somewhere hits you with the eject button and off you go springing out of your seat, your mind snapping back to reality... hazy and disoriented, squinty-eyed and confused, going, "Huh, where the happy times?"

Well, this was exactly that, but different, as contradictory as it was.

It wasn't a nice dream. Things happened in them, and none I could say really deserved to be called anything but bliss.

One headache after the other... forget a can of worms, felt like I just opened up an entire fucking factory of worm cans.

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