
Complications, Part 2

'Kay so, I'm done trying to make find some sense of rationality in the irrational. Tis' a ploy, it gotta be, no two ways about it. He did not just pull up in my hood and tell a homie that it's free real estate.

No one would have said what he said in his position, that is unless Jay here was going for another angle - the ol' 'confuse him to death' approach. A viable strategy, also unfortunately, the wrong strategy. 

He's gonna have to confound me better than that - I've been raising question marks to so many things these past few months, I may as well be the modern-day Socrates.

I wasn't sure what Jay expecting me to do with that information, but clearly he wasn't done spouting out proclamations that made absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Far from it, in fact. 

Next chapter