
The Entire History Of You, Part 4

The nation of Astra was the last bastion of hope in the war against Terestra in the west. Many Kings, Queens, many countless nations have already succumbed to the overwhelming might of the Demon Queen, yet the Kingdom of Astra still stood firm and tall even through it all.

Many had attributed Astra's continued prosperity to the swift judgment of King Heral. Upon learning of Terestra's unstoppable conquest throughout the land, the King had brokered a deal with the Seven Churches of the Divines… in return for a deterrence to inhibit the march of the Demon Queen's army, he promised an eternal allegiance to the Churches' purpose.

The Churches proposed a great barrier to be erected, encapsulating the entire nation. Seven bishops representing the seven Divines to be entombed deep into the earth as catalysts for the barrier's summoning. 

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