
The Tale Behind The Scenes

Mom didn't tell me everything… but at least she told me something. 

I surmised that she had been meaning to tell me this for a long time coming now, guess she just didn't know how to go about it properly. In hindsight, I bet she wished she had earlier prepared a script in case there ever comes a time like this.

Belated as it was, nevertheless, I'm glad she started her tale exactly how she did.

With a heartfelt apology.

"I'm sorry we've ignored you, I'm sorry that it seemed like we neglected you. I would never ever want you to ever think that of us. Your father and I love you and your sister with all our hearts… never doubt that, not even for a second."

Even as I was pissed, even when every fiber of my being was toiling in rage, I never once thought otherwise of her, of dad. I wanted to let her know that, but somewhere along the line, my words must have tripped over a twig or something for what left my lips instead was - 

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