
A Magical Stupor

Irene meant it when she said forget it. She was no longer interested in anything that Howard had to say. It was as if she scrubbed his existence from outta sight and mind.

-"Am I off the hook?"

-"Can I talk with my lawyer first?"

-"It was only one time, detective, please..."

Persistent bastard, he was. Though I suppose anybody would be if they were staring at twenty years behind some cold sturdy iron bars directly in the face. Understandable… didn't make it any less annoying, though.

Opting still for the silent treatment, Irene gestured us into a small circle to have a little one on one from each other, away from any straining ears, and it was there Irene decided to unveil this whole thing.

She looked at me, looked at Ash, and said, "One of his employees is an - "

"Ancient Magus, right." 

That was me piping up. Irene paused, blinked once, and continued.

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