
Afternoon Delight

Discovery was a mostly quiet affair. Finger swiping. Display scrolling. Must have spent like what - a good twenty, thirty minutes? 

Wasn't even done reading it all yet.

Mom was just too talented for a single session's worth of research. The most baffling thing about all of this was that this was merely the tip of the magical iceberg. 

Implication's right there in the title all the way back on top of the page. 

<<List Of Known Magic And Abililties>

Known. To say there are some abilities of hers left in the murky realm of speculation. It was already a very expansive list solely based on what was verified. 

So how long is the list of the unverified? I guess there's only one person that knows the answer to that… should probably get around to asking her about should the day ever come where I'd get the chance to.

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