
Check Out Time

Carol the receptionist had her eyes trailing our every move.

She watched with an inquiring brow as Irene clung herself even tighter to me, curled one corner of chapped lips, seeing the affectionate way Irene rested her head against my arm, and saw the bewilderment in my gaze as she stared at me with a cheeky look of dejection that she was far from feeling. 

Didn't even say anything. She just smiled and bade us farewell with an enthused wiggle of wrinkly fingers. Once we reached the exit and swung the door to the outdoors, I chanced a small fleeting glance back at the ash-glazed desk and found that Carol was still staring, throwing an approving nod my way and two trembling thumbs raised up high.

I can't even be bothered to explain, so you know what, thumbs up to you too, Carol. If you had offered me a service questionnaire slip, you'd be the only 10 out of 10 I'd give.

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