
Two Days Later pt. 2

"Are you not scared that I might cut your tongue off for being disrespectful?"

"If you want to do that, then you should have already done it long ago."

He cocked his head sideways.


"Yes. That means you like me disrespecting you, your grace. Well, you're welcome."

I'm probably the bravest woman out there. Or maybe I am just crazy.

But I truly don't think Lukas would do any harm to me. I don't know, I just feel it.

Lukas then started laughing out loud, even holding his stomach. 

This is the second time that I saw him laugh freely, and it somehow brought a smile to my mouth.

When he calmed down, he regarded me with amusement and a one million gold coins smile. The kind that would steal someone's breath away.

"Hmm, that might be true..." he muttered.

I snapped away from the momentary distraction of seeing him smile and immediately averted my gaze.

Next chapter