
The Letter

Lukas stood proud and tall on top of a roof, surveying the land before him. His intense eyes swept through every corner, slums, and the most hidden parts within the capital. He didn't let any minor details escape him nor let some distractions get to him. He was like a hawk in the night who vigilantly oversees his territory.

The moon behind him cast shadows on his face, hiding him from the eyes of others and made him inconspicuous. No one would notice him there as his presence was completely erased. Yvan and Ylmer appeared right beside him and brought news.

"We didn't notice anyone suspicious while patrolling but we sensed a powerful force pushing us back when we tried to infiltrate the bookshop," Yvan informed him.

"Yes, it's similar to the Arcane Tower's magician but slightly different as well," Ylmer seconded.

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