
Chapter 72 Jeffery Star in the making

Baby Avrah was born.

"The name means aura or breeze and it's just unique. I loved it immediately." Amber explained.

Gloria immediately then intervened.

"It was my idea, after spending all my time on baby websites." People chuckled, people being the family and friends who had finally came to see the baby and congratulate them.

Amber immediately rolled her eyes. Gloria wanted to act as if she had given birth and was practically demanding all the attention on her. Sometimes she loved how supportive she was but sometimes she just went overboard.

"You don't have to worry about my mom doing that, I want her far from you and our baby." Andre said his hand firmly poised on her waist. Another holding fruit juice, the only thing they were serving at the baby welcome party. They wanted everyone sober, supposedly.

"You don't have to be so hard on her.." Della whispered back.

"She deserves it." He said almost immediately. "I just don't understand how you could be so forgiving."

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