
Chapter 12

Kate's POV

I stride into the dining room late because I overslept thanks to someone.

Lillian literally forced me to go see her best friend called Becca, she is a bit shy and reserved around strangers but all the same friendly, and lovely when you get to know her.

I got to know all this because I might not be people friendly but I am a great judge of character.

We talked more like they talked because I was locked in my thoughts not trying to get too comfortable with them.

It was so boring if you ask me or maybe I was the one being boring not adding a viewpoint on any topic they choose to converse about.

We also went shopping adding to the reason why I am so stressed out right now, going into different stores, trying out different outfits is so stressful but not for them. So Lillian was able to coax me into going shopping with her without my volition.

They later decide to have compassion on me by taking me to a restaurant to feed my raging stomach.

Next chapter