

By the time Jean wakes up, I have already checked on the "guests" and made the changes to the four chambers.

I smile at her, "You still want to go with me? Today might be a lot more eventful than I previously thought."

"Sure, Lilly already told me I should go with you, it might help me with some answers to some questions I have."

"Oh, okay then, We will not be going to the normal method, I will be trying something new, so we might take unexpected detours."

Jean giggles, "That's okay, I like getting to see new things."

"Oh, Lilly did you purchase the land?."

'You own the land now, I did not need to use funds in the end as it was not on anyone's claim.'

As I am about to thank Lilly she sets off an Alarm.

'Incoming mutant energy, Incoming time distortion, Incoming spatial distortion!'

Both Jean and I turn toward the window where a portal is forming, at this moment in time I have no idea which mutant is not only traveling through space but time. I expect I messed up, or did something great, and either Cable or Bishop is going to step out.

As the portal fades I see the shape of a girl lying on the floor, she looks like she is at death's door. Her limbs are at weird angles, and there are cuts and bruises all over her body.

'The mutant is dying, they might not have long Joel.'

I rush forward, keeping a telekinetic shield up just in case. As I help her up I am taken aback. Red hair, pale skin, looks about 5'6 and wearing what looks a hell of a lot like an X uniform. 

The freaky part is that I am getting a lot more powerful, my power is peeking, and I can feel the Phoenix Force now. 

The girl looks up and smiles, "Hi Dad, I messed up again" Her words are slow and slurred, she touches my arm as a burst of energy explodes into me I hear her say, "Tell mom I love her." The girl in my hands goes limp.

I rush to the chambers with the girl in my hands, "Lilly, open a stasis chamber now!' I trying to put her words to the back of my mind, I need to get her in a chamber, even if her body is dead, as long as I can keep the mind alive there is hope.

I reach the chamber in moments and lay her down in it, as I hear it close I speak to Lilly, "We need a DNA check, also her powers, scan me as well, she did something to me before she collapsed."

I start working on regulating the chamber, soon I hear Jean behind me. "Do you know who she is?" as she speaks she walks over to the chamber and gently lays her hand on the glass, staring at the girl within.

"I suspect she should be Hope Summers, but that should have nothing to do with me."

Jean nods and smiles lightly as she looks down, "She has traces of the Phoenix Force in her, she was a bearer at one time."

This matches what I know about her, just not her calling me Dad. However, if you think about Hope's powers, she matches mine very well.

Although she has other powers, the one she uses most is power mimicry, this allows her to copy the powers of any nearby mutant. Unlike other mutants with similar abilities, such as Rogue, Hope does not need to make physical contact and the person whose powers are copied suffers no ill effects. Hope seems to be subconsciously aware of any power she copies and can utilize it immediately, without any need to learn how to use them or even to see them in action first. The powers she copies are at their full capacity and she has full control over them.

Like me, Hope does not have any known limit on how many powers she can copy at the same time. Unlike me, the powers she duplicates fade away due to time and usage. (With edits this is basically what Marvel Fandom says)

She has other abilities, I can feel them within me. Her powers seem to me a mix of variations on my power and psychic abilities. I glance toward Jean, who instantly feels my gaze and probably picks up on my emotions, love empaths, did I say that already?

I sigh and walk closer, "The reason you had issues controlling Phoenix is because you were not strong enough yet", as I speak I raise my hand and lay it on Jean's shoulder, "I think it's time for that to change, do not worry, you will gain control as you gain strength."

I activate another of Hope's powers, (I will list her powers below for you guys) a white glow formed under my hand touching Jean, at the same time I glanced to the side at the mutant detector Lilly had set up.

It took only a moment, then again it only took Hope arriving in the past to activate the five lights (5 mutants, after M day Hope was the one who brought mutants back)

'Joel, I am detecting Jean is showing as an Omega-level mutant, without her Peonix Force factored in. Also, I have an initial reading for the DNA, I keep running for full results.'

At that moment, across the world, many powerful people stopped what they were doing and glanced in the direction of Joel's home. While most took note and carried on, some did not.

The most obvious was Charles Xavier, not only did he sense an Omega-level mutant reaching its peak he also knew who it was.

Reaching his mind out towards Jean he found it hard to pinpoint her, if it was not for the years of contact he would not have been able to. As his mind approached he found himself in front of a cottage with a small wooden fence around it and a small garden within.

"Hello Professor." As Jean spoke she walked out the cottage door, along the pebble pathway, and stopped before the small wooden gate."

"Hello Jean, "Charles smiled as he glanced around, seemingly searching for something.

"It's all gone, I no longer need it." Jean smiles as she looks upward, Charles follows her gaze and sees a large fiery bird in the sky, happily playing it seems.

"Is it safe? We both know how powerful it is Jean, are you sure you should be allowing it free reign?" 

Jean smiles gently and nods, "Very sure, I have learned a lot about myself recently and this has allowed me to grow. I can be myself without living in fear all the time."

Charles nods and smiles, "I just came to congratulate you, you have reached Omega-Level now, mutants have another person who can defend them now."

"I did not do this through my own efforts Professor, this is something I was gifted by a friend who needs me now. Be safe Professor, please tell everyone I send my best!"

Charles suddenly finds himself kicked out of his mind state and back in the school, but this is not what bothers him, "She was granted Omega-Level power," pushing a button on his desk he seemed to speak into the air, "We need to have a meeting after classes tonight."

Jean looks at Joel who seems to be troubled, "What's wrong?"

Joel sighs then speaks to Lilly, "Lilly, repeat your initial findings please."

A giggling sound can be heard as Lilly speaks, "Sure, I don't mind repeating good news. The initial findings indicate that she shares DNA with both you and Jean. Well done guys, you have a Daugther."



Edited powers for Hope Summers (Almost exactly the same as Marvel fandom)

Power Mimicry: (Described in the chapter)

Power Absorption Immunity: Hope is immune to power absorption abilities.

Power Regulation: Can stabilize the powers of other mutants and bring them to their most optimal state.

Power Amplification: Hope has the ability to aid mutants by temporarily unlocking the full potential of their powers and augmenting them. (For Joel this would differ as he is not a mutant)

Power Negation: Hope has displayed the ability to temporarily suppress the powers of other mutants, leaving them de-powered.

Power Synergizing: Hope has demonstrated the ability to aid other mutants in using their powers in synergy. One of her roles among the Five is to synchronize their powers and to help them operate in unison.

Power Sensing: Hope can track down a mutant by sensing their power. even when other telepaths are unable to pinpoint a mutant's exact location.

Power Bestowal: First shown when she activated the Five Lights.(mutants). Hope later used this power — greatly augmented by the Phoenix Force — to activate a multitude of new mutants all around the world.

Psychic Energy and Undetectability: It is also notable that after Hope's initial detection at birth, Cerebra blew up. After repairs were made the Three-in-One tried to search for her because she had been kidnapped by the Marauders yet she somehow became undetectable by mutant-detecting equipment.

Influence and Bonding: Hope has exhibited both subconscious low-level powers of persuasion or manipulation, and when pushed, the ability to take control of actions entirely.

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