
Chapter 75

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Love ya!


After the drill incident, we regrouped in a fire nation base nearby Ba Sing Se, and while Azula talked with the local soldiers giving them orders about what to do now, I was figuring what to do about my relationship with Azula and how to make it progress, I had at most one month to change the way she saw me, I knew she liked me, but realistically it wasn't love, it was a infatuation at the moment, so I had to change that. Because I knew for a fact next time I saw Ozai I would kill him. So I had to act fast, maybe have more dates with her? Or more flirting? I really didn't know what to do, there wasn't anything I could do to make someone fall in love with me in less than a month, so I just had to to try.

"Azulaaa" Ty Lee waved at her, as she approached us.

As she approached us, I notice she was specifically walking directly towards me, and before I could ask her what she wanted, I felt a surge of pure desire coming from Azula, and the next thing I know my lips were locked in a sensual kiss, fueled with something almost primal, she kissed me like she wanted to steal my lips away forever, like nothing else mattered, the kiss was soft and moist, but also hot and breathy.

This time she wasn't trying to win anything, but seeking union and closeness and the sharing of one breath, one sensation, one timeless and passionate moment, that swallowed my very soul for a brief yet infinite moment.

I could feel her every emotion coursing through her body, and I couldn't help but marvel at her beautifully flustered expression as the heat of the moment colored her face tinting her cheeks of an innocent yet lustful pink as her tongue touched the deepest corners of my mouth, making our connection quick, electric and delicious, with the movements of her tongue becoming firmer and more determined.

"That was so hot," Ty Lee giggled.

"I concur," I chuckled as Azula she broke the kiss.

"I can get used to this," Azula smirked, sitting on my lap.

Unable to restrain myself at the sight of her body atop mine, I pushed myself against her. As if to avoid her escape, and began to kiss her softly, tasting her lips, savoring her lipstick and little by little the intensity of the kiss grew, it became more rough, more needy, more savage.

"Get a room," Mai muttered, feeling angry and jealous, well that was new, Ms. Boredom was angry.

"You can't blame her for Zuko!" Ty Lee whispered to her friend, and now it was clear why she was angry, seeing us like this made her feel angry with the world.

Well, fuck her. I don't care if the other fire princess is not here to kiss her, I will enjoy my time with Azula, because should I fail in winning her heart things will end.


For the remaining of the week I trained with Azula, with most of the training being me copying her movements and adapting them to fit my own style, little by little I could feel my fire becoming sharper, more lethal and stronger. As I uncovered the secret behind her blue fire.

Blue fire sacrifices quantity over quality, by compressing the largest amount of flames possible on a single focal point maximizing the power output of the flames by several folds, this I had noticed after studying her very closely and thanks to that I had managed to mastered the secret behind the strongest flames of all.

But I didn't stop at that, having blue flames was just step one, so I kept on training. If I could only train one of my elements I would at least master said fucking element.

So immediately after mastering the art behind the incredibly deadly blue flames, I turned my entire focus on training my lightning bending. I wanted to be able to use it without having to do the fucking fusion dance, this of course was harder that it sounded, because this technique was ninety percent dependent of how well the user was able to bend and manipulate their chi, but this wasn't the hard part, the hard part was training with it.

See, lightning bending it's very taxing, a single lighting takes a lot of chi… now using multiple lightings tires the fuck out of everyone, now for me this was not entirely the case, thansk to Vaatu my chi reserves were massive, but even then after twelve hours of nonstop lightning bending I would find myself on the ground at the verge of passing out.

"I don't know why are you tiring yourself this much," Azula commented, as she helped my tired body back to the camp.

"Perfection takes time," I winked at her.

Azula rolled her eyes, "I suppose,"


[Aang POV]

For some reason I still had to understand, I couldn't shake my mind off the masked men that watched me and Azula fight, feeling a chilling sense of dejavú as if I had seen him before, but the part I didn't understand was that my body my entire being cried in fear, I wanted to run away the moment I saw him, and he didn't do anything to warrant such a reaction from me, he barely talked to me during the fight.

"Alright, so now we are three against four," Toph commented, "I think I can take two at the same time,"

"Toph… it's now four against four," Sokka stated with a frown.

"Oh yeah, you…" Toph chuckled.

"For the love of! I can still fight!" Sokka shouted.

"Meh," Toph rolled her eyes.

"Whoever that man was, we have to be careful," Katara sighed, "As we know, Azula is surrounded of dangerous people, so if short he must be skilled at something for him to be on that group,"

"Well, he did seem agile," I commented.

Next chapter