Chichi got what she wanted while everyone else was running around dealing with Androids. Goku got his heart disease and was sent home to recover where Chichi nursed him back to health and told him everything. He sort of didn't care. He was more interested in getting his shot at the androids.
I was focused on my own training while paying attention to everything. Androids nineteen and twenty were destroyed, eighteen, seventeen and sixteen were hunting Goku while everyone super Saiyan and below got their asses kicked. Raditz wasn't into the helping earth things and the kids were forbidden from going so the androids were on the loose.
Cell showed up and got beaten back until he got ahold of Android seventeen while I saved eighteen and sixteen blew himself up to slow cell down. Eighteen blushed seeing me holding her and asked. "Goku?"
I shook my head. "I'm Goku's older brother Ren. Give me a bit and I'll help you so you don't end up blowing up or being tentacle fucked by that thing."
I teleported us away to Bulma who removed the kill Goku objective from eighteen along with the bomb in her chest. I gathered the dragon balls Dende as the new Kami of earth charged and wished eighteen was human. The dragon failed to do so saying it was no longer possible and I asked it to replace what it could in her to make her as human as possible.
That it could do so long as she didn't resist. Soon eighteen was nearly all human besides the infinite power cell and her superhuman powers. I stopped the dragon balls and sent them into the time chamber for a cool down while Eighteen asked why I did that. I shrugged honestly saying. "You're beautiful, I sympathize with how bad life fucked you and I'm just a horny Saiyan with a freakin harem going at this point."
She was surprised and I told her about my wife, her mother, Launch and Chichi. Vegeta got cocky and took her a moment later, giving her to cell who absorbed her and kicked his ass, kicking off the cell games. I ignored it mostly and when it was time, I went with Zeus, allowing him to fight if Goku and Gohan fail. We arrived and I used my tail to bitch slap Vegeta into a crater on sight.
Cell laughed and said he did something similar to Vegeta. I ignored him and told Hercule to test Cell. He gave a damned good fight for a human and the camera crew watching cheered him on, but Hercule wasn't enough. I stopped Cell and told Hercule he did well before turning to Goku. "You're next. If you can't beat him Gohan and Zeus will fuse and try."
He nodded and stopped himself after seeing that he could before saying he wanted Gohan to try alone. Gohan did so and beat Cell nearly to death. Cell spit out eighteen and I caught her before telling her she was safe now. Cell blew himself up, killing Goku who took him to King Kai's planet.
Perfect Cell reformed and both boys fused, going super Saiyan two, then, three for a brief moment to end cell for good. I made sure the ass hat was gone before calling it and leaving. We went to use the dragon balls to revive Goku who refused because he wanted to train more in the afterlife for now. I revived seventeen and Eighteen called it sweet before Seventeen left to find his purpose in life now that sixteen is gone and Goku is dead.
Eighteen joined Bulma, Launch, Gloria, Chichi and I and a year later she too gave birth to a baby girl we called Hestia. Chichi had Goten while Gloria had Jeans, our second daughter. Over the next six years Gloria, Eighteen and Chichi had a half a dozen kids apiece. The Saiyan race was definitely not extinct anymore.
I'd drank and eaten so many senzu beans and drinks that my own body began to have it's own increased healing factor. I reread the entire Saiyan manual and learned of the last thing Bardock and Gine did. They made a Saiyan genetic repository and put the code in an enhanced son they made before increasing the pheromones to make females I feel attracted to agreeable to more than one female partner.
They were trying to save their race and through me they were technically. I brought it to Bulma and she said she knew which is why she allowed it all or risk losing me. I told her she could never lose me and she herself ended up pregnant again from the resulting makeup sex. Many of my kids were reaching adulthood and this resulted in them leaving home for college or journeys to get strong like Goku and I took.
It simply wasn't a saiyan's nature to sit still and it showed as most of the kids older than ten were gone training, fighting or in school. All of my women were pregnant and needy by the time the Buu crap began. What made it worse is that when Videl turned seventeen she stopped by to challenge me and now she was one of my pregnant women. Hercule didn't mind, so long as it was something she wanted and I kept her safe.
He was too busy basking in the glory of being the five time world championship martial artist. Hell, the tournament was practically an Olympic sport now and very famous. I sighed and rubbed Videl's swollen stomach and she told me she was taking online classes for college now. I nodded and she leaned over while her breasts swayed and began working me with her mouth.
I asked her. "Do you regret it? Coming here and losing more than your match?"
She smiled and released me while sliding down on me and sighing. "You mean do I regret coming onto you and having you make me into a woman, your woman?"
I nodded slowly while her lower lips engulfed me and she rocked slowly until I fit fully. She sat there and shook her head while her warm heat squeezed me. "Not for a second. Zeus and Gohan were always more interested in each other than me. Any other boys were just that, boys. I needed and wanted a man and you- ahhh yes, you gave it to me and so much more."
I rolled us over and worked her like a piston until her creamy heat climaxed and milked me. When I withdrew, she rolled to her stomach, needing the other hole filled. I gave her what she needed and Eighteen pulled me to her spot on the room sized bed. When it was time, I took them to the world martial arts tournament and they sat in the Capsule Corp reserved seats.
Capsule corp had done a hell of a lot in the past seven years using the alien technology. They made galactic ships, introduced earth and New Namek, helped make a planetary alliance and contacted the galactic king who agreed earth and new Namek was in the empire. Many earth fighters went and joined the galactic patrol and many aliens visited earth and New Namek peacefully.
The warriors of earth were legendary and many went out to spread Roshi's teachings to the galaxy. Dojos appeared on many world in his and my honor. The Turtle Hermit school had come a long way and the dojos were paid a premium in galactic credits to teach the galactic patrol's warriors. Soon enough the galactic patrol was up to super Saiyan standards and more.
The last of Frieza's forces were found and destroyed while their ships were given to earth at my request. The galactic king agreed when we told him what we planned for it. Soon all of the galaxy knew capsule corp and it's medicines, convenient capsules and technology. Cooler came to earth and I let the boys handle it.
His destroyed body was sent flying back out of our solar system and a year before the current time, he came back with the big Getty Star and AI technology. I killed him and took the tech, giving it to Bulma to learn about. Soon the galactic patrol has an army of super Saiyan two level bots and many space pirates and bad guys were put down or stopped. It wasn't peaceful, it just helped most of the planets too weak at the moment long enough to get a Turtle dojo there and their people getting stronger.
I'd trained my own body at an insane pace over this time to the point where I'd begun to wonder how strong I'd need to be to possess god ki. The Z fighters besides Krillan and Yamcha who both were taking it easy, hadn't slacked off one bit. When I wasn't in my training room they were and they weren't weak anymore. They'd truly pushed my understanding of the human limits that's for sure.
Back to the now, the tournament was divided into kids and adults. Poseidon and the rest had joined the kids division. Surprisingly they didn't win it, a human brat did. I ruffled Poseidon's dark blue hair and told him there was always someone stronger. He asked if there was anyone stronger than me.
The cameras on us made me hesitate before nodding. "The universe is filled with many powerful beings. I know at least three or four that can beat me as easily as you can step on a cricket."
His eyes went wide and the news reporters got in close while Hercule asked. "And who are they?"
I smiled. "Zeno, the creator of our universe, Whis, the angel of our universe, Lord Beerus, the god of destruction for our universe that's responsible for destroying dead planets so the Kais can make new ones and the angel of time for our universe. I can't remember her name, but in our universe those are the ones that I know for sure can beat me as easily as if I were a child again."
I tilted my head. "The universe is vast and many strong opponents await us out there. That's why we fight and grow stronger, to push ourselves and give them a worthy fight."
I flew back to the stands with Poseidon and Hercule announced to the cameras that there were people stronger than me so it was possible to get stronger than me so they should all push and strive past their limits to find new and greater heights. I nodded in approval. Hercule really knew how to work a crowd and win hearts and minds. Soon the adult tournament took place.
Goku had come back temporarily to join up for it and he'd been shocked by the amount of half saiyan kids. He smiled goofily seeing Chichi amongst the pregnant women watching the tournament with me. He asked how many were mine and Chichi's and I gave him a blank look saying seven. He stumbled and Chichi rubbed her stomach saying almost eight.
Chichi told him she'd always wanted a big family and he'd always been too busy to give it to her. She said she was lucky to get Gohan out of him with how often he was out. She got onto him for missing ten years of Gohan'd life already altogether. Seven recently and another three with how often he was out training and stuff, more if she included the Android training years.
I stayed quiet until Bulma grabbed her hand and told her that was over now and we couldn't change the past. Goku agreed easily and Chichi sighed, telling him she'd wished her marriage hadn't ended with his death, but now she was happy at least, with the family of her dreams and as many children as she could want. Goku gave her a happy look saying so long as she was happy, so was he.
I grunted and he flew off for a match. It was all interrupted with a bunch of assholes kidnapping Gohan and Zeus. I grunted and closed my eyes, telling them Goku and the rest had it. The tournament went on and none of my women were worried because they knew I was paying attention to the Buu stuff. Soon Goku was gone, Buu and Babidi was out wreaking havoc and Hercule won another tournament.
I grunted and stood, telling them I had an evil space wizard and a fat Majinn species creature to deal with. Hercule said Videl would see them home while we deal with them. He and I left and I scoured Babidi's mind before nodding to Hercule while I vaporized him. Buu drooled at the giant bar of candy Hercule offered him.
He took Buu home and befriended him honestly. Eventually they found a dog and Buu healed it before telling Hercule to leave because of danger. When his evil side was forced out, I appeared and took it into outer space before going super Saiyan four and vaporizing his lifeforce entirely, thus ending evil majin Buu.
Three years of peace followed as more Saiyan brats were born to our giant happy family and even my eldest daughter had three kids now, all with tails of their own. Gine was very happy with her science based life and took over doctor Gero's old labs, ending the super android projects and working on other things. I was as proud of her as I was of Zeus who left earth with Gohan to teach dojos with many of the brats.
Some went out to explore the galaxy while others went to train and well, they were out having fun and that's all that mattered. Chichi had given up on a strict academic life for our kids and was happy with basic school stuff before they set out. She was too busy with the rest of the rugrats and her near constant state of pregnancy she and all my women shared.
It was like when they weren't pregnant they'd evolved to want it. It was madness at it's finest yet with senzu help I was able to keep them all happy and well satisfied. When I wasn't with them, I was training or teaching and my life was quite full as well as happy. For Bulma's latest birthday it was a big celebration and the dragon balls were one of the prizes alongside a castle, yacht, money and treasures I'd gathered.
Vegeta, Tights and their one son, Trunks, showed up. It seems basic Cooler had kicked him in the dick and mecha cooler left him super kicked in the dick a thousand times over before he'd come to earth so he was out of ever having more kids. His pride and stubbornness had made him refuse to get help or any senzu juice so it was beyond senzu help now.
It only fueled his training that he was no longer capable of performing in the bedroom. It would take a wish from the dragon balls and the son of a bitch was too embarrassed to even do that much. I stopped viewing his mind and left him to whatever. When Beerus and Whis showed up, they floated down and I smiled, introducing them to Bulma by name.
Beerus wasn't impressed at all, while Whis was happy with the carts of pudding brought out. They both loved the food as it turns out and Whis had to remind Beerus of why he was here. Goku came back from training in the nether world to tell us he got his ass handed to by Beerus without Beerus ever breaking a sweat and he went super Saiyan three.
I tilted my head and asked. "Four?"
He shook his head. "I didn't get the chance and I'm not exactly the best at it right now."
I sighed and asked Beerus for a fight above to see the difference from where I am now and godhood. He agreed and I took off my weighted gear before walking barefoot for the first time in years. I stretched and flew up saying I would go slow like Goku because I haven't had a chance to test my limits in a very long time and I wanted to to see them all. I smiled and disappeared moving beyond sound and most perceptions including those weaker below.
We collided a hundred thousand times before he threw me back. I smiled and unleashed a terrifying galaxy ending amount of ki that made Whis stop eating and call it impressive. My power multiplied as I went super Saiyan and took it all in. I went at him ten times faster and stronger now and stopped before going straight to super Saiyan three where the very world changed color as my oppressive power was temporarily unleashed.
Whis said I was clearly at the peak of the moral coil in strength and it showed when j made Beerus fight me off. Still, he said he saw it all before and wasn't impressed. I stopped and grinned. "Fine, I have one more and if you're still not impressed, we'll have to ask the eternal dragon Shinron for answers on how to give you your super Saiyan God fight."
He nodded slowly. "That sounds reasonable."
I changed back into a regular super Saiyan before roaring and changing into the super great ape. It shrank and I stood there before him as a super Saiyan four. No ki leaked out at all because all of it went into making my body stronger and holding it that way for a sixteen hundred times boost to my base power. I one collision I made Beerus lose out and we went up above the planet into space.
We collided with enough force to make the planets around us shake before Whis pulled us apart, saying. "While impressive, you have only half the equation completed. This would be the super Saiyan God form's physical aspect, but it's ki and true power appears to be beyond you currently. Might I suggest we summon the eternal dragon and ask how it would go about it."
I waved him off. "There's no need. I only said that because I wanted to know where I stand against a god of destruction. I know how to bring for the other aspect."
We flew down and Beerus called me brave or stupid for lying to him. I shrugged and told him. "It hardly matters now. I could sit on your throne if I wanted to if that was all the power you have."
He barked out that it wasn't and I smiled before nodding to the kids and the rest. "Super Saiyan God time I guess. It seems four is the limit of our bodies, but we need god ki to progress further."
Everyone paired off into five and chose a sixth to imbue with power. I was imbued by Zeus, Gine, Poseidon, Ares and Kratos. When I went super Saiyan red, I focused and took it in, feeling it and enticing a response in my own body to produce god ki. I sat and meditated while dozens of super Saiyan Gods were born to Whis and Beerus's shock.
I made the power my own and it changed color, becoming blue in tinge instead of red. Only Goku was able to mimic my feat and it made Vegeta pissed. I turned to Goku and the rest. "You all can fight him. If I did now I really might kill the god of destruction and that would suck."
Whis said that was quite a bold statement and I smirked, going super Saiyan three and great ape before shrinking all that power into super Saiyan four. It was so much that cracks in the universe formed around the planet. I growled. "Kaio Ken times one hundred!"
My power skyrocketed and all of universe seven shook trying to contain me now. I bit out to Whis. "When you can't win by quality, quantity is the next best option. Like this he would die."
A second later all of my power and transformations fell away and I was left a normal Saiyan as I fell down and groaned, in utter agony. Half the bones in my body had broken from the stress and weight of my own power. Bulma gave me the senzu drink and a bean when the drink didn't bounce me back immediately. I sat up and Whis asked if I'd like to be the next god of destruction candidate.
I shrugged. "Sure, so long as it's not until all my kids are grown up. I don't want my women thinking I'd abandon them. They will be coming with me if I do become the next god of destruction though."
He shrugged. "That's entirely up to you."
Beerus sweat dropped and barked at Whis about giving his job away. This in turn caused Whis to smile and laugh it off saying it was apart of his job to ensure a smooth transition should anything happen to him. Beerus tsked and Goku went after him first, going toe to toe with Beerus for a good long time while k shielded earth from any stray attacks. Whis asked me how I trained and I touched his forehead, giving him all the answers he could want including the fact that I was a repository for Saiyan DNA and that I'd intentionally triggered the growth of universe seven which was spreading to all four galaxies by now.
My kids got to fight Beerus after Goku lost his power and Vegeta took his shot. Beerus himself was very depressed because god ki was being given out like chocolates nowadays apparently. They said they wouldn't destroy earth so I tossed them a trunk full of capsules and told them it was filled with all of earth's foods and delicacies for them to try. Bulma told them they were free to come back for more any time.
She then dragged me off for her own birthday gift while the raffle went on and Goku won first place, getting to wish himself back to life. Krillan won the castle and Raditz won the yacht prize. That ended with Gine winning the one million Zenii. I didn't get to see the rest because Bulma had me all to herself for the rest of the day and her hunger for me was reaching on desperation.
She was soaked through her panties and mewled when I filled her slick, needy depths. We were at it for hours on end sating her needs. She rode my face enough that if I were a normal human I'd have rug burn. As it is, her now hairless slit was gushing seed while I wiped away the shaving cream and the remnants of her once blue tuft.
It was safer because my face wasn't the only one she rode. All my women enjoyed each other on occasions when a woman's delicate touch was what they craved or when they were enticing me to take them. I put away the shaving stuff and slid into her from behind after picking her up in front of a mirror. She watched me fuck and fill both her holes while she shuddered, enjoying the control I had over her.
Once she passed out and I finished in her warm heat, I slid free of her slit and carried her to the bathroom, washing her clean while her gaping and pulsing lips spewed thick white seed in a river. She moaned while I leaned over her and used my fingers to work outmost of it. She woke up and swallowed the head of my member while I was working to get her clean. Soon we were working each other to a release she swallowed while letting out the rest of the creamy mess in her.
She licked and kissed my manhood before telling me to take her again. We made and even bigger mess and soon we were sleeping in bed with her locked on me, pacifier style from below. Sooner than we would've liked, I was called away by Whis to begin training to eventually take over for Beerus one day. Beerus himself was sleeping so Whis had me working damned hard in my base form to keep the grumpy cat god that way.
Vegeta eventually showed up saying Bulma wanted me and I went to leave until he stopped me and told me to do my duty because he knew what I was, a tool to preserve his face and kingdom, nothing more. He kissed the dirt seconds later and I told Whis I'd be back in a day before teleporting back home instantly. Bulma wanted me because Tights wanted more kids only Vegeta didn't.
I ended up bending Tights over and fucking her right then and there in front of Bulma and all my females. Tights was surprised then moaning and crying out at the intrusion until she was begging me to go faster, deeper and cum inside. I used her thoroughly and in every way until she lay there while Bulma held her painting and thoroughly fucked form. She asked me about Vegeta and I slid in her once more and told her he made his choice.
She watched and moaned as I found my release in her before I told her she was mine now. I slid back in to punctuate my words. "My woman."
I pulled out and slid into her ass and she moaned throatily. "My pleasure sleeve."
I churned her up and made her swallow my next load. I cupped her face as she gulped it down. "My everything. You belong to me, just like Bulma and all the women I bed, including your mother, understand?"
She nodded and got a bit on her breasts which Bulma and Gloria cleaned for her happily. The next morning I returned to training and Tights wasn't so tight anymore. In fact her holes were just right and outlined the shape of my need for them. So there I was, back at training like a dog while Vegeta was far worse off. He could barely keep up while Whis had to continually raise the weights on my equipment.
My body seemed to be adapting fast to such things which mystified him. Six months flew by with weekly visits to keep the women happy. By the time Goku came along, I was already pushing the limits of my super Saiyan God transformation with super Saiyan three. When some dumbass revived Frieza, I went back and killed him when he destroyed the planet because Goku and Vegeta were fucking around.
I went insane and unleashed everything I had. Beerus had to step back because Whis had to stop me when I nearly killed Beerus and I did kill the idiot saiyans and Frieza. Even still I woke up and Whis said it was close, but he managed to reverse what Frieza and the idiots did. He tried to keep me restrained and calm by showing me Bulma and everyone was still alive.
Vegeta finished off Frieza with Goku right away or nearly so. Frieza still tried to wipe out the world and Beerus stopped him telling him that was enough. When I was released, Bulma asked Whis what the big deal was. He sighed and told her what happened and that I'd lost all sense of reason, destroying everything including trying to destroy universe seven in a blast that would've most certainly ended everything.
Bulma hugged me and I panted, tired and relieved they were alive, my women, my children, my everything. Beerus asked what that power was I touched on and I didn't respond because I didn't know. I went back to training after I was damned sure Frieza was dead and my everything was safe. I left magical weights and gear for Hercule to improve the dojo with along with a revised training regime to get the most of it.
I advised leaving the gravity training room in Kami's time room and training there a day at a time in groups at a time like a revolving door of badass training for everyone in the dojos all across the world and galaxies. Another destroyer soon showed up not long after Whis went to bed again. I grunted when the blasts went off and deflected the blasts Beerus threw my way with my tail, sending them at Goku and Vegeta while I continued to work out under both extreme weight and gravity in the special gear Whis made for me.
Beerus chased Goku and Vegeta around for a bit until I hopped up after a hundred billion thumb push ups. I shed the weights and went with Whis as Chompa made his presence known. Beerus thought I was Goku and threw a blast my way until I deflected it at Chompa who got pissed and screamed with a sonic wail. I roared and canceled out his attack, shutting the fat cat up.
He looked to me and I snorted, transforming smoothly into super saiyan four. I stared down the universe six destroyer and full battle mode with my now super long blue hair and fur covering my arms, legs and parts of my chest. My tail whipped around and flicked a destroyer ki ball called Hakai or so Whis called it. It wasn't perfect, but it was definitely dangerous.
Chompa was forced to use his own hakai to stop it, demanding to know what the big idea was. I snorted. "You're loud, rude and disturbing my training. Leave, shut up or die fat cat."
Chompa was enraged and Beerus laughed until Chompa went to attack me. I disappeared and appeared in front of Chompa with my tail around his wrist. "So you choose death? So be it."
I summoned a massive ball of imperfect hakai that dwarfed the planet. Beerus had to go all out to destroy it and stop me from killing Chompa, ending in a fight between Beerus and I over the planet. Several moons were destroyed and planets as well before we both returned. I turned to Whis and told him I was going to train more, leaving while I heard Whis telling Vados that I was the leading destroyer candidate for the moment and as fast as I am, I'd soon overtake Beerus's training if he continues to sleep all the time.
Beerus snorted saying it was unlikely because I was only able to make him use half his full strength for the moment. Whis corrected him saying it was seventy percent and climbing unless I lost all reason and destroyed this universe like I nearly did before. Chompa asked in a huff. "That guy? What's so special about him? He's still only enough to make me use one percent of my power at most."
He was clearly bluffing while Vados told him. "If Lord Beerus hadn't intervened he'd have made you eat that hakai, killing you from the inside out my Lord. He wasn't joking about wanting you dead. I'd suggest you steer clear of him and get into shape if you wish to make that previous statement true."
I tuned them out and worked out constantly while they did whatever it is that required destroying parts of the castle. When I was told of their tournament, Whis told me they'd agreed I wasn't allowed to participate and if universe seven loses I'd go with earth to universe six where I'd be a destroyer candidate there. I grunted and continued working out, telling Whis that Chompa and his sister had been sneaking into universe seven for a while now and stealing the wish orbs before or they wouldn't have shown their face now.
He nodded slowly and I gave him the coordinates of the seventh wish orb, tossing him the super dragon radar. "I intended to go after them myself so I could use their power to make my women immortal. Seeing as how they're already being wasted on a bet, you might as well get it over with. I'll stay here and train because I have no use for a fight I'm not allowed to take part in anyways."
Whis nodded slowly and had the fish oracle watch over and see to my training. I continued training right through the tournament and only went home to be with my women after it because they all went to watch the tournament itself. Universe seven won it with time to spare while Zeno made his wants known for a tournament of power. After I was told this, I went to see Hercule who was working on spreading the powerful warriors, gear and training all across the four galaxies and rotating them out at Kami's lookout and a box of a hundred similar capsule time chambers he used the dragon balls to wish for.
Needless to say universe seven was no longer the bottom of the barrel. Even normal people on earth had a base power of a million at least nowadays and it was only going up as more went to explore the universe and others came to train. New Namek's warriors were just as powerful as earth's with their own average in the tens of millions due to their small population and ability to regenerate fast already added to the gear, senzu beans and ki training manual Hercule had copied and dispersed throughout the galaxy.
He was taking my orders to the next level before I had any reason to say so and it was proving to be very well done so far. Sure, some evil assholes tried shit, but they were put down just as fast. Once the galactic king had a hold of our galaxy fully, he began pushing for control of the others or for similar galactic kings to rise as once voice of each galaxy.
I returned to training and even used a time chamber, putting a year's worth of vigorous time and gravity suit training into a day outside. When Whis noticed how hard I was pushing myself now with the even further increased suit, he called it and had me try transforming.
I was finally able to combine the full super Saiyan god and all the transformations into a cohesive whole that made me stuck as a super Saiyan god while my blue energy was gone and replaced with a violent with green tinting at the edges of my fur. Even when I tried, I couldn't power out of the super Saiyan four transformation.
Whis said I'd taken the next step and I was ready to become a destroyer and begin my other training. He said I'd have to wait until Beerus is fired, but I could still be trained while I waited. I shrugged and went to see my women to apprise them of the changes. They didn't mind so much as it was soft fur on my arms and legs while it was still me.
Videl was the first to call me her monkey man and ride me. When the time anomalies began again, Trunks showed up and when he mentioned Goku Black, I scoffed. "It's not Goku. He doesn't have that kind of rage in him. If I had to guess, I'd say some dumb ass used the super dragon balls to swap bodies with him. Since you're Bulma's brat in your time then clearly I don't exist there right boy?"
He nodded slowly so I leaned against a guard rail. "Then the answer is obvious. It had to be a deity that made the wish because they're the only ones capable of speaking the divine language. Of the deities only a Kai would need to make use of Goku's body for power and out of the Kais, the only ones that would even know about the super dragon balls are the supreme kais and their apprentices."
I turned to Whis. "Of the supreme Kais, none I would imagine would attempt something like this knowing they'd be destroyed or replaced by their destroyer or Zeno. That leaves the apprentices. Since Goku's met Universe Seven's supreme Kai and he's young, that means he doesn't currently have an apprentice which means it's one of the other universe's supreme Kai apprentices."
I ticked off my fingers. "He'd need to be apprentices to one of the oldest kais about to retire or he'd never have heard of the super dragon balls. He'd have to be willing to kill his teacher to eliminate the destroyer god that would come after him and he'd have to know how to abuse a time ring which only supreme kais have to get the most out of the super dragon balls."
Whis nodded and said. "You sure know an awful lot about these sorts of things."
I scoffed. "I read Beerus's mind while he's sleeping to gather intelligence on the state of the twelve universes."
Beerus barked. "You WHAT?!!"
I snorted. "If I'm to replace you some day I'll need to know these things regardless. Besides, it's your own damned fault for leaving your mind unguarded while you sleep."
He growled and we took it away from earth for a bit before returning with Whis scolding us on nearly destroying the universe with our petty squabbles. I huffed and held Bulma while Whis agreed with my deduction. Bulma asked me to go to the future and deal with this Goku Black.
Trunks said Bulma was dead there and reality warped and tore in places. Whis sighed. "Oh dear, here we go again."
Beerus snickered. "At least he's consistent."
I barely heard them and only saw Bulma when she made me look at her. I calmed down and kissed her as the tears mended. Trunks asked what that power was and Vegeta told him it was the power of the strongest Saiyan in our universe finding out he'd lost a woman, as if I needed to whine over such things.
My tail reached out and smacked Vegeta so hard it destroyed Mars when he hit the planet. When Whis retrieved Vegeta, he told him he should know better than to annoy a destroyer deity of which I was nearly there. I ignored them and focused on Bulma, feeling her and our newest unborn baby kicking. Vegeta ran his mouth off to trunks and anyone who would listen that I wasn't a true Saiyan, just a lab experiment meant to bring forth the Saiyan race in the event of their downfall, so I was a tool of the Saiyan people, nothing more.
Tights called him a tool and rubbed her baby bump, leaning against me as well. Vegeta tsked and said whatever before Goku told Trunks to fight him so he could gauge Goku Blacks power to see if I was even necessary. They fought and Trunks lost when Goku caught his blade with his fingers. Soon enough Goku Black arrived and I scanned his mind before telling Beerus and Whis. "His name is Zamasu, former apprentice of universe ten's supreme Kai Gowasu."