

Brock, "That's kinda run down, isn't it?"

Gou, "Kinda? It is run down."

Lance, "That's because it is one of the oldest temple and the last time there was any celebration here was before the great fire."

Ash, "Ah! I see. That's very sad."

Max, "We will have to clean it up won't we?"

Brock, "Looks like it."

Bruno, "I can get some cleaners to clean up the place."

Ash, "We can clean up the temple. Could they clean up the surroundings and decorate it? The temple is not so big so I think the Pokemon and the four of us can manage."

Lance, "That and I don't think the Legendary Pokemon would be happy with uninvited humans entering the temple."

Brock nodded, "Let's get to work."

They entered the temple which was three storeyed and started to clean it starting from the top part. The top was in the shape of a pyramid shape placed on a spherical layout, it reminded Ash of a chubby chick. He looked at the top carefully, yup, it looked like a chick on a nest but who was he to judge other people's taste. The top floor was empty but they cleabed it up pushing the dust downwards and wiping the wooden walls clean. Chimchar was more than happy to use sunny day to dry the wet and clean floor before helping Meganium decorate the place.

Brock, "Ash, you good?"

Ash, "Yeah, I am fine. Do not worry too much about me."

Lokoko, -Well, you have just been quiet that's all.-

Lucario nodded, -What's on your mind, Meema?-

Abra, -Meema? You can talk to us.-

Eevee, "Vui."

Ash, "Look what I found here."

Ash pushed the old curtain he was dusting away to show the mural he had seen while cleaning up the place. To say Brock was taken by surprise was an understatement and Ash pointed at one of the drawings on the wall. Golem was gaping on seeing his trainer or rather someone in the past who shared features with Brock on the mural performing the prosperity ritual. This at least answered the question of how Brock awakened his Aura, there was already an ancestor in the past who could use it. Lance found them staring at the mural and even though he was surprised he didn't not look fazed.

Lance looked at the mural, "Hmm, somehow I am not surprised."

Brock, "Does this mean my siblings can use Aura too?"

Ash, "Probably but I hope they are not pushed that far."

Gou, "Yeah, that's asking for anxiety attacks and insomnia."

Max, "Agreed, you mentioned you activated your Auras under duress and stressful situations. If I have Aura User ancestors then I would be worried about my sister almost everyday or vice versa."

Brock sighed, "Let's just finish this and get over it. Pray for non confrontational and peaceful days till, well, till the League at least."

Ash, "Works for me."

Lance, 'Looks like they were affected worse by the incidents then I had thought, although they seem to be coping well.'

Dragonite and Altaria rumbled at him in curiosity and Lance just shook his head and helped in preparing the temple. By the time they were done it was late in the afternoon and a Slowking appeared greeting them and thanking them for the help. Despite the surprise on seeing a Slowking in the middle of the forest they calmed down really fast and nodded. The last time they saw a Slowking was back at the Orange Island during the Shamoutii incident. Ash and Brock really hoped they will not have to put their necks on the line against Team Rocket so soon.

Slowking, -It has been a long time since I saw this temple in it's full glory.-

Brock, "We tried our best."

Lance, "What can you tell me about this Mural here?"

Slowking smiled, -That Mural speaks of a very famous preacher in the past who dedicated his life to spread peace and harmony across Jhoto.-

Ash, "Really?"

Slowking nodded smiling brightly and explaining how in the Heian era there were three siblings who waved war against each other. Marshadow appeared and started manipulating the shadows to share the story which occurred around two hundred years ago. The three Kings ruled different parts of Jhoto region but were greedy and wanted to rule the entire region. There were many battles and War for more than ten years which caused many deaths among the Pokemon and humans. During such times a preacher appeared who preached about peace and harmony to the ailing masses who would do anything for food and water.

The people who suffered under the three Kings decided enough was enough and refused to listen to their demands. This was also when Royalty started to loose their control and power over the region and technology started to appear. After the three Kings were over turned by the rebellious masses the noble houses took control of their areas. Those were the same areas which was now under the Gym Leader's jurisdiction and rule. Ash was not expecting the Gyms to have such a fascinating beginning, well not exactly a beginning. The Gyms were still a very new concept, only a century or so old but it was interesting to listen to.

Slowking, -There is a spring that Priests and Priestesses from the past used to clean up before getting dressed for the ceremony.-

Marshadow, -Follow me.-

Lance, "Go, Bruno and I will do a perimeter check."

Bruno, "We will make sure no one tries anything."

Gou, "Us too."

Max, "Yeah, it will be a fun night."

Ash, "Since we are having a private ritual, I really hope so."

Brock, "Me too."

Marshadow guided them to a very peaceful looking stream a few metres away from the shrine and motioned for them to wash up in the spring water. Despite taking showers after training earlier the cleaning up had made them a little sweaty, the cool water made them shiver though. Brock helped Ash wash his back telling him about how he missed his siblings all of a sudden, they used to wash each other's backs. Ash was listening to the stories with a smile, he understood how Brock felt, he misses his family too. After washing up they looked at the clothes which looked simple enough to wear by themselves.

Ash, "Not bad. The inner clothes are really soft and comfy while the outer robes are fancy and embroidered."

Brock, "You are right. Well, let's get going."

Ash, "Yes, these are ritual bells, aren't they?"

Brock picked up the fancy looking bell, "Oh, it's heavy and the real deal. I was defi not expecting that."

Max, "There they are."

Lance, "Ready?"

Both of them nodded and entered the circle they had made earlier using chalk, candles and specific flowers that Marshadow provided them. They used their Aura and spread it around the marked ground making the chalk glow and the candles light up with blue flame. The rest of the observers watched in awe as the flowers glowed from the centre to the sides before rising up with Slowking's telekinesis. When that happened both Brock and Ash rang their bells three time then started to pray for a peaceful and harmonious future. Just as they finished their prayers Hooh appeared with a shrill song on it's beak making them look up in surprise at the Legendary.

Hooh looked very pleased by the ritual and cooed at them before spreading their wings in the evening sky filling it with many variations of red sun rays. It took their breath away when they saw the spectacle, Pikachu though wanted to smack the overgrown bird on seeing the smug look on it's face. After the light show, Hooh presented two feathers one for Brock and the other was surprisingly enough for Max. Ash wondered what it meant but he did not have any time to ask as the Legendary Pokemon had disappeared after that. Brock would later swear he saw someone who looked like an older version of Forest smiling back at him from the temple doors.

Max, "That was fun to watch."

Gou, "I am just glad nothing crazy happened."

Brock, "Where did Slowking disappear?"

Ash, "He must have returned to his pack."

Koga, "That was interesting."

Bruno, "Koga, you saw all that?"

Koga, "I was searching for you. It is time for the hopefuls to return."

Lance "Go, we will clean this place up."

Bruno, "Very well."

Koga eyed the group before deciding he had his hands full and did not require extra headache and promptly walk away. If the others notice his snap decision they did not say anything about it and got to cleaning the area up. They left the flowering plants though as it was already part of the ecosystem before they appeared to do the ritual in the area. Lance talked to them for a while before mentioning he would have to return to his men and telling them to remain safe. They nodded in agreement before the red head left on his Dragonite towards the Elite temple at the base. During the ride there however, Lance noticed something very interesting about the surroundings which had him laughing.

Lance, 'Prosperity indeed.'

Brock was staring, "Is it me or do the plants around us look more lively?"

Ash, "Not just you Brock, not just you."

Max, "Well the ritual was for peace and prosperity so..... "

Gou, "If anyone asks we do not know anything."

Ash, "Yeah."

Brock, "Agreed."

Max, "Ditto that."

Lokoko's ears twitched listening to the gossip around them, some of the humans were thinking the grass type Pokemon used aromatherapy or something. The more religious people were praying to Lord Hooh thanking them for the gifts and the blessings they had. Lucario snorted and muttered under his breath about how, if only they knew but luckily they do not know what just happened. Lance had cordoned off the area around the temple to avoid any accidents or problems and luckily everyone was more focused on the Elite test. No one pays attention to the little temple which was now cleaned and surrounded by various flowers.

Gou sat on the chair in their shared roomans looking at the ceiling, "So, how long do you think our luck will last till they notice?"

Ash answered from the shared kitchen they were using, "Probably till new Elite selection ends. After that people will notice other things just for a little bit of drama in their lives."

Brock nodded from beside Ash, "We will be long gone by then hopefully."

Max, "I wonder how Casey is doing."

Gou, "Casey is a tough girl. Knowing her, she is no doubt clearing the test with flying colors."

Casey was actually really annoyed, 'What is my luck these last few days? First those three poachers, now Suicune? I thought only Ash, Misty and Brock would attract them as they were Aura users.'

Meganium, "Mega."

Casey, "Where are you leading us?"

Casey, 'We are going to be late but I cannot ignore a Legendary either.'

Suicune took her to what looked like a makeshift camp and Casey bit back a shocked gasp. In front of her were Pokemon who were hurt and needed medical attention pronto bit she was not a healer. She looked back at where Suicune was only to see him right in front of her making her jump back in surprise. Casey gulped them spoke slowly and gently explaining she was not a healer but Brock was a healer who was also an Aura user. Suicune stared at her then nodded his head in acceptance and Casey took out her emergency call to contact Brock.

Ash, "Is that Casey? Something must have happened."

Brock, "Hello Casey, what's wrong? Suicune did what? Okay, where are you? Got it."

Gou, "Is she alright?"

Max, "She ran into Suicune?"

Brock, "Yes, to both. Apparently Suicune is running a healing camp but needs help."

Ash, "Right, they can contact healers during emergencies. Go Brock, make sure they are all okay."

Brock, "Yeah, I will. I was not expecting to hear about Suicune though."

Max, "I know what you mean."

Gou, "Could be worse."

Ash, "Just be careful."

Next chapter