
Jhoto - Olivine City

The group were exhausted as they traveled towards a town on the horizon. Their luck was going so well too but then they were attacked by a bunch of robbers. They managed to deal with the robbers but unfortunately for them, the fiasco made it to the news. So on top of dealing with robbers, giving statements, healing Pokemon and themselves, they had to field questions from the reporters. The group had to sneak away from the area after Officer Jenny did crowd control and pushed the reporters back.

Lucario, -I see the Pokemon center.-

Ash, "Let's go."

Max, "Hopefully we'll get some peace and quiet here."

Casey muttered, "Don't jinx us."

Brock, "Okay, get your Pokemon and pokeballs out. We'll be joining Nurse Joy and Jim to check on them."

Sorrel, "Make sure to clean your wounds and reapply the medicine."

Todd, "We will."

Gou, "Don't worry about us."

Cinderace was reluctant to go, "Ace ace."

Breloom too, "Loom bre loom."

Gou, "Don't worry buddy."

Max, "We'll be okay."

Casey pat Meganium, "Yeah, girl relax okay."

Empoleon was not willing, "Le leon."

Verity pat his wing, "You can check on us after your check ups are done."

Ash nodded, "What she said."

Lucario grunted, -Excuse us for feeling wary.-

Sorrel's Lucario nodded, -Especially after what happened.-

Sorrel, "We get it. So let's get all of you checked then you can check on the others, yeah?"

The Pokemon grumbled but stopped resisting and went with the two healers. The humans went to their respective rooms to shower, bath and take care of their injuries. Ash gave a wince as he applied medicine on his bruise, which he received while trying to catch a cage with Eevees falling. His stomach had received the burnt of the hit but he didn't regret it, and from what he saw the others were bruised up as well. Casey and Max didn't mention it but he could smell and see the burnt hair from helping a group of Growlithe.

Verity and Todd were dripping wet from dealing with a bunch of Politoads who were terrified but then calmed down after realizing they were trying to free them. Sorrel and Brock were making sure none of the Pokemon had any illness or broken bones or infections due to cuts. Gou though had taken a bit more dangerous stunt which Ash, Cinderace and Gou's Alakazam had scolded him for. But the dark skinned boy did not regret what he did and they understood why, they would do the same after all.

Ash joined the others after he finished, "Hey everyone! All good."

Max, "Yeah!"

Casey, "We are good."

Gou, "It's mostly bruises."

Verity, "Pretty sure the other side is worse off."

Todd nodded, "Yup."

Brock joined them, "Here we go fellas and girlies, back to your favourite humans."

Lucario made a beeline to Ash and checked him, -Meema! Did you?-

Ash, "Calm down! Calm down! I applied medicine already."

Breloom picked Max up and set him between her and the other Pokemon, "Loom bre loom loom."

Max, "I'm fine guys."

Ralts frowned, -Your ear is burned, don't try to lie to us.-

Max raised his hands, "I already applied medicine."

Sorrel's Lucario, -You need to rest as well.-

Sorrel, "I will after washing up."

Golem pushed Brock along, "Lem go go lem."

Brock, "Alright, alright, we'll catch up with you after washing up."

Gou waved them off, "Go, go! We'll be here for a bit."

Cinderace, "Ace ace!"

Inteleon, "Int, in inte."

Gou gave a wry smile, "I don't regret what I did."

Todd was being smothered hey his Pidgeot, "Hey girl I'm alright you know?"

Pidgeot was not having any of it and half beratted him and half groomed him and refused to let go till satisfied. Nurse Jim approached them, as a Nurse they were always given brief information on what was happening around them. He told them about a ring throwing competition that happened in town every year and asked if they would be interested in joining them. The group looked at each other and decided it would be a good way for them to de-stress and relax.

Nurse Jim, "My nephew Skyler was last year's winner and he is currently on his Pokemon journey."

Ash smiled, "You must be proud of him."

Nurse Jim, "Oh! We all are, especially his father. According to him, Skyler already has three gym badges."

Casey's eyes brightened, "It's only been three months since the Jhoto Gym runs started and he already has three badges."

Max, "He's a good trainer."

Nurse Jim advised them on where to go after registering and helping them get three air balloons to use. The girls were teaming up, Ash, Max and Todd took one balloon while Gou, Sorrel and Brock took another. Nurse Jim and Joy had shooed Brock and Sorrel off, telling them to enjoy themselves after what had happened. The two had simply huffed and agreed to relax and have fun for once instead of working. Max picked a Pichu balloon for them, while Verity chose a Woopa balloon and Sorrel picked a Luxray balloon.

Gou, "Let's have fun."

Ash, "We'll begin soon."

Verity, "Let's win this Casey."

Announcer, "Participants you must circle the mountain on the balloon and throw your rings every check stop. The rings should loop the post or else you are disqualified. Remember you are allowed one fire type Pokemon and one flying type Pokemon to help you. Begin!"

The race started and Ash asked Cyndaquill to fire up the engine. Cyndaquill gave a happy shriek and started to use flame thrower to make the balloon move. Todd's Pidgeot pulled the balloon along through the route that was supplied to them. Max looked at where Verity and Casey were and noticed Casey's Houndour was supplying them flame while Verity's Pelipper was pulling the balloon. With Gou, Brock's Vulpix was supplying the fire and Gou's Beedrill was pulling them.

Ash, "There's the first post."

Todd, "Looks like we are the third person."

Max, "Well, these people look like they have been taking part in this game for a long time so it's not surprising."

Lucario, -Agreed!-

Ralts pouted, -I want to win though.-

Abra, -Me too.-

Ash chuckled, "Well then, how about you work together to win."

Max, "Yeah, good idea, here take this ring and place in on the post."

Abra and Ralts brightened up and used their psychic powers together to put the ring successfully on the post. Todd praised them on doing a good job and they enjoyed the rest of the peaceful ride with nothing untoward happening to them. When they crossed the final post Todd gave a smirk and ordered Pidgeot to use agility. Pidgeot gave a smirk back and Todd told the others to hold on to something making them grab the basket while Pidgeot sped off.

Announcer, "The winner is Ash, Max and Todd."

Ash who was still holding on to the basket snapped out of it and hit Todd's shoulder, "Next time, tell us your plan, don't just spring it on us."

Todd laughed, "Sorry, sorry."

Announcer, "This brings an end to the team balloon ride competition. Next is the single balloon competition. Participants please clear the field."

One by one the balloons landed and the rest of the group joined them congratulating them on the win. Ash shook his head saying it was actually Todd and Pidgeot who won the first place for them making Pidgeot puff up in happiness and pride. The Award ceremony happened without a hitch and the Mayor thanked Ash for agreeing to an interview as it would bring tourist in. Ash didn't mind as long as none of the reporters breached his boundaries which was, no questions about his personal life.

They left the town early in the morning the next day, and was enjoying the cool breeze when they came across a movie set. The set was large and they realized it was one of Jhoto's famous landmarks. There was currently a shooting going on and Casey perked up on seeing Brad Van Darn, a famous Jhoto movie star. He was currently in the middle of filming and they decided to watch from the sidelines from a bit. The actor was badass but his Pokemon was an adorable Smoochum who had her own fan base that loved her. It was fascinating watching the creation of a movie and Ash half wondered how the movie based on his book was going on. According to Professor Oak, the team had completed the fight scenes, now they were doing the class scenes.

They left the set after Casey, Verity and Max received an autograph from the famous actor and Ash had been pulled into an impromptu photo session. Mr Brad was apologetic because of what his Director did but Ash said it was not a problem as long as none of them didn't provoke their Pokemon. The actor had laughed then, he had heard rumours about the protective Pokemon the young Champion had and one look at them confirmed it. His little Smoochum seemed to get along with the Espurr, Eevee, Abra, Absol, Ralts and Pikachu so it was fine.

Brad exchanged contacts with all of them, he was a little surprised to learn Brock and Sorrel were training to become Doctors. But it was not a bad thing, in fact he was very happy to get acquainted with young healers. After leaving they came across a large tunnel known for Rhydon sightings. Before they entered the tunnel Ash noticed a young girl with a Rhydon training by a lake. It looks like a certain Rhydon learned surf or one of his parents were a water type Pokemon. When he pointed it out to Verity, she was interested and went to talk to the young girl who happily showed off her Rhydon. They were so cute together.

After leaving the area they soon entered the premise of Olivine City and decided to go to a Pokemon center. They booked rooms and started to look around the area and saw the famous cruise ship Leviathan - 2. It was a very large triple Decker luxury ship and Sorrel and Verity's ticket home to Sinnoh. But they were not in a hurry to leave as the ship would only be sailing the next day. Till then they decided to enjoy the sights and sounds of Olivine City together. As they were enjoying the sight seeing they were joined by two Kecleon who had sniffed the baby food Ash and Casey had and wanted to eat.

Casey, "ACK! Easy! Easy! Leave some for my Espurr."

Ash, "I wonder who they belong to."

Verity, "What cute ribbons!"

Todd, "It suits them."

A lady ran towards them, "Greenie!"

Followed by another, "Reddie! We told you to not wonder off."

The First Lady bowed, "I apologize for the trouble. My name is Madison."

The other girl bowed as well, "And I'm Alexa. These are our Pokemon."

Max, "No harm, no foul."

Sorrel, "They only ate the baby food."

Casey, "They didn't cause trouble."

Brock, "We can make more if needed."

Alexa was shocked, "They ate?"

Madison as well, "Truly?"

Ash nodded, "Yes, look."

Brock took out more baby Pokemon food and the two Kecleon promptly chowed down on the food. The two girls sat down and explained that they were from Sinnoh and the two Pokemon had been very moody lately and refused to eat. They showed them to Nurse Joy but even she was not sure why and supplied them supplements to make sure the two didn't fall sick. Brock hummed and did a little experiment taking out the poke blocks and poke feed. The Kecleon however ignored them and Brock nodded before turning to the two.

Brock, "Your Pokemon are having motion sickness. They want to eat the normal food but if they do they'll no doubt throw up."

Madison, "I didn't realize that."

Alexa, "They didn't look sick."

Sorrel gave a wry smile, "That's because most Pokemon especially the ones who have trainers tend to take it as a challenge to overcome personally."

Brock, "So it's up to us as trainers to identify the problem and help our Pokemon."

[A. N.: Hope you all are taking care of yourself.

I'm getting engaged next month.

Hopefully things go well. :D]

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