

They returned to the Pokemon center soon enough and retired quickly for the night, not wishing to upset the security. Despite what the Champion Gold and the government wanted the people to believe, things were very tense in Jhoto. Ash gave a sigh as he settled himself among his Pokemon after their night routine, he had only brought, Lucario, Pikachu, Phantump, Tyrunt, Lapras, Gengar and the newborns and poke egg with him. He had not caught Abra and Eevee yet, he probably should soon, considering the tension in the air.

Lucario poked his face, -Meema?-

Ash gave him a small smile, "I'm okay, just a thought, that's all."

Lucario, -Ah! I noticed that too. Don't worry Meema, we'll get through it together.-

Pikachu nuzzled Ash from behind, "Pikapi pika."

Lucario, -Don't shock them to death. At least not without telling me, then we can help you bury him.-

Pikachu gave a grin, "Pika pikachu!"

Ash spluttered, "Oi! Oi! Calm down! No one is killing anyone."

Lucario, -We can beat them up? Got ya.-

Ash, "Seriously? How did you become sadistic?"

Phantump, "Phaaaa pha phan tump."

Lucario, -Indeed.-

Ash, "... I.... don't want to know. We should sleep, if we want to go out early tomorrow."

Lapras yawned from her place in the suite, while Tyrunt grunted from beside Eevee and Abra, the young dragon had taken being a big brother very seriously. Ash had decided to get one of the slightly costlier rooms in the centre which allowed Pokemon to stay with their trainers. He had decided to put aside a part of his savings for the rooms with extra facilities and although it was a substantial amount, the comfort was worth it. It ate away at one third of his savings and he was a bit reluctant to spend so much, however it let him sleep next to his Pokemon. He figured he would spend it on good sleeping facilities because in all honesty, aside from daily necessities, he had nothing to spend money on during travelling.

Max woke up chipper the next day, "Are we going to the gym first or for the contest?"

Ash, "We are going to Professor Elm's place first, Gou here has a mission."

Gou, "It won't take too long, I promise. And it's not a mission more of a favour."

Brock, "I'm curious to see what his lab is like, Professor Oak's laboratory has a large wild area that covers the forest around Pallet town."

Ash, "Professor Blaine's laboratory covers the whole volcanic island, if I remember right."

Max, "Wao! Really?"

Gou, "Professor Sakuragi's laboratory consists of a large meadow with four springs running through it."

Ash, "I think it'll be fun."

Brock looked around and nodded, "Yeah."

Gengar brought a few berries and huffed, "Geng gengar geng."

Lucario, -We are in Jhoto, my friend not Kanto. The fruits would be different here.-

Ash, "Did you go in search for food for us again Gengar? That's very sweet of you."

Gengar nodded enthusiastically before frowning, "Geng geng gengar geng."

Lucario nodded, -That's not surprising, things are a little tense here.-

Brock frowned, "What's wrong?"

Ash, "Let's talk later."

After breakfast they left to meet Professor Elm, at his lab while Lucario explained what happened to them. According to Gengar there were signs of destruction around the area he had visited to collect fruits. The leaves were burned, branches were broken and the earth was scorched, and while the wild Pokemon were trying their best to fix it, it was no doubt going to take a while. Ash, Gou and Brock frowned and looked at each other in contemplation before Gou took his phone out.

Gou took out his phone, "I'm calling over some of my Pokemon to help the wild ones with the destruction, maybe they'll agree to come with me willingly once they see I'm not here to destroy or hurt them."

Brock nodded, "Good idea my Steelix, Golem and Sandslash can help too."

Ash, "I'll see if Venasaur is free yet. Lance had requested his help in Blackthorn City, to help with some of the Dragon Pokemon."

Max, "Your Venasaur is at Blackthorn city? Isn't that the City of Dragon trainers?"

Ash nodded smiling texting Lance, "Correct! Hopefully he is free now and will be able to join us. If not then we'll have to depend on Gou and Brock's Pokemon."

Cerise, :Your Vileplume, Bellossom, Parasect and Tangela are free to join you. Who are you sending?:

Gou, :Thank you Professor! I'm sending over my Starmie, Seaking, Pinsir and Jigglypuff. There are not much water bodies here and Pinsir and Jigglypuff are not battlers. They agreed to it too last night. Also we are visiting Professor Elm right now.:

Cerise, :Stay safe boys! The situation in Jhoto is not exactly stable.:

Gou, :We noticed! We'll be safe, promise!:

Lance, :Venasaur is free, he is very capable of dealing with stubborn dragons.:

Ash, :That's good, we noticed quite the destruction in the forest area here. We were gonna lend a helping hand in regrowth and stabilizing the land.:

Lance, :Thank you! I... We appreciate it. Be careful.:

The devices on their wrists pinged with the arrival of the pokeballs and the three older boys released their Pokemon. Gou's Pokemon glomped him the moment they saw him, making Cinderace sigh and pull his giggling trainer out of the Pokemon pile. Vileplume, Bellossom, Parasect and Tangela cooed as Gou pat them and introduced them to Max who was very excited to greet them. Brock released his own Pokemon as he explained the situation to them getting a look from his two oldest Pokemon. Venasaur greeted Ash by wrapping his vines around his waist and nuzzling him, it was his version of a hug, before checking him over.

Ash, "Venasaur, this is Max, we are watching over him for now and teaching and showing him the ropes of becoming a trainer."

Venasaur looked at the young human before wrapping a vine around him, "Vena venasaur vena."

Max squealed, "It's awesome to meet you too. I saw your battles and performance. You were amazing."

Venasaur gave a nod and laugh before looking at Brock who was explaining what they were planning to do. Venasaur looked at the area frowning before turning to Lucario with a look that questioned why he was allowing their trainers to stay in a war torn area of all places. Lucario sighed and explained that this area was in the entry to the region and they were on their way to visit the regional Professor. Venasaur grunted, not pleased with the reasoning but understanding why it couldn't be avoided.

The Kanto starter took the lead and used grassy terrain, rain dance and sunny day one after another allowing other grass types in the surrounding area the strength to help the plants. In the meantime the ground type Pokemon greeted the local Diglett and Dugtrio and helped them fix the area. It took them the entire day including lunch before the area started to look better and the destruction was less noticeable. Leaf and Green had warned them things were not rosy or great in Jhoto region and Ash wondered to himself if this was a good start or a bad one. He couldn't decide!

Max, "Venasaur is so awesome, he can control the rain dance to pour over the grass types so the ground and rock types are not affected."

Ash nodded, "It required a lot of one on one training to get that right."

Max, "And the sunny day and grassy terrain boosted every Pokemon in the area and let them join in. Which is so cool."

Brock who had set up a picnic spot, "Well lunch is ready. Come and eat."

Gou looked at his Pokemon, "Come on everyone. Time to eat!"

Ash looked at the wild Pokemon looking at them curiously, "You guys can join us too."

The wild Pokemon which consisted of a couple of flying type, bug, grass, water ground and a few normal type Pokemon chirped and joined them. They were quite hungry and happy to join them especially after seeing the were not there to catch them. Brock grinned as the Pokemon enjoyed his cooking while Gou took out his phone to record the small peaceful moment. Max cooed over some of the Pokemon while Eevee and Abra talked to the wild Jolteon and Kadabra. Things were serene until it wasn't. Lucario, Venasaur, Cinderace, Scyther, Steelix and Golem took up battle stances and snarled at the forest. The wild Pokemon shook in fear as they looked towards the forest the trainer Pokemon were growling at.

Lucario, -Fellow Pokemon please stand behind our trainers.-

Ash, "We'll protect you."

Gou nodded, "We understand not everyone is interested in battling so."

Brock, "Who's there? Come out!"

Max gripped the Shroomish he had been playing with, "It'll be okay. Ash is a Champion, Gou is an on field researcher and Brock is a healer. They are strong."

Shroomish looked at the child and nodded, "Shroom shroomish."

Ash growled as a man and a woman walked out of the forest wearing dark clothes and a familiar R logo, "Team Rocket? No you are the trouble maker faction aren't you?"

The man laughed cruelly, "So what if we are, who would have thought we would be lucky enough to run into the Champion."

The woman however looked at them calculatingly, "Impressive Pokemon."

Lucario's irritation grew, he had hoped this journey would have been peaceful for a few days but that was too much to ask. By his side Pikachu and Venasaur were tense and annoyed as well, Meowth had given them a warning and they were wary. Golem didn't wait however and attacked them with earthquake after apologizing to others for messing up their work.

The woman tched, "And of course, it would not be easy. Go Pidgeot and Ursaring."

The man, "Go Electivire and Seviper."

Ash, "Gengar, Chimchar, Phantump and Tyrunt, protect the wild Pokemon. Everyone else attack."

Lucario attacked using shadow ball, Pikachu used electro web while Venasaur attacked using sleep powder, they were battling Pidgeot and Seviper. Cinderace and Vileplume looked at Gou who nodded and the two Pokemon attacked using stun spore and ember and were battling Pidgeot. Steelix, Golem and Sandslash worked together as a team against Ursaring who was stronger then he seemed.

Ash growled in his mind, 'Who are they? I don't recognize them.'

Brock, "Be careful Steelix."

The man was looking at them with greed in his eyes and took out a device that had Ash on the edge. He clicked on the switch and the teens watched in horror as the collars around the Pokemon glowed and they became feral and started to attack without any rhyme or reason. Gou gritted his teeth as Cinderace and Vileplume started to have trouble with Pidgeot while Brock looked at his Pokemon with worry. Ash looked back at the wild Pokemon behind them and clenched his fist before he did a double take.

Ash whispered in horror, "Where is Max?"

Brock whispered, "He's behind us .... What the?"

Gou, "Guys?"

Ash, "Pikachu thunder wave."

Max on the other hand had taken Shroomish and sneaked around from behind the trees, "Okay, according to what I know Shroomish which is you, know how to use leech seed and stunning spore. So this is what we'll do. I want you to aim between the two humans over there who is causing trouble with leech seed okay."

Shroomish looked at the boy quietly before nodding and attacking, "Shroom shroom."

The woman hissed, "What the?"

The man hissed, "Where did this thing come from?"

Max pat Shroomish, "Good job, now stun spore directly at their faces."

Shroomish's grin was a little bloodthirsty as he attacked the two humans who had caused him and many others to loose their pack. It was in her opinion satisfying to watch the ones who caused them pain be beaten down a notch. Ash was frowning at them but the little mushroom Pokemon didn't care, she knew that this was her chance for payback and she was not loosing it.

Ash, "Lucario get that remote. Pikachu, Venasaur keep the Pokemon busy."

Lucario, -On it! That foolish child.-

Lucario grabbed the switch and clicked the red button shutting it off before taking the pokeballs and crushing them. Pidgeot, Ursaring, Electivire and Seviper snapped out of the haze they were under and looked around at their surroundings. It was not long before realization dawned on them and the four high class Pokemon were very unhappy with the two humans.

Lucario, -Easy, easy, don't worry, they'll get what is coming for them.-

The two who were stunned glared at them before the man looked around and saw the boy he had dismissed earlier. He gave Max a nasty look that promised retribution before Cinderace punched him out cold. The fire rabbit hissed at him before knocking the female human out as well.

Ash rounded on Max, "What were you thinking? Do you have any idea how dangerous that was? They are going to come after you, you don't even have a proper liscence yet."

Max looked down, "I'm sorry, but the Pokemon looked like they were in pain."

Ash sighed before getting on his knee and hugging the youngest member, "I know! I know you want to help but you will not do that again. Not before you have your own team of three Pokemon at least and definitely not before some training."

Brock nodded, "Yes, what you did back there was dangerous. We are gonna have to plan something."

Gou glowered at the two, "We will, but right now let's call Officer Jenny."

Max hid his face in Ash's shoulder, "I'm sorry, I just wanted to help. I was not thinking."

Ash got up picking him up, "We know, trust me we were no different when we first started but we had a team to back us up. So please Max promise me, you won't do something crazy like that again without a team."

Max looked up at Ash, "Okay, I promise."

Gengar, "Geng gengar."

Lucario, -We are fine. I think I hear Officer Jenny.-

Officer Jenny and a couple of others came from the direction of the lab, "What's going on here?"

Ash who was still holding Max, "We were attacked by Team Rocket Officer."

One of the officers Matthew according to his name tag looked at them worried, "Are you all okay?"

Brock, "We are fine, don't worry."

Gou held the broken controller, "You might want to ask them about this device. They were using it to control the Pokemon."

Jenny looked at the device and the four pissed off Pokemon and nodded before taking all their statements. Curiously enough they were quite gentle while asking Ash and the dark haired teen half wondered why. After the Officers left Ash sighed as he looked around and they refixed the area before heading directly to the lab. It was already late in the evening, Ash grumbled about troublesome organisations as they waved farewell to the Pokemon. Unknown to them a certain Pokemon decided to follow them.

[A. N.: As you have guessed, the gang will be more involved with Team Rocket in Jhoto than they were in Kanto.

Hope you all enjoyed this chapter.

Ugh! I wish this flu would leave me soon. I want to enjoy delicious food but can't as everything taste disgusting.

Take care of yourselves everyone.]

Next chapter